Changes in the Bahamas - new rules and fees and an observation


Line Up and Wait
Sep 27, 2018
N Central FL and GTC Bahamas when off work
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ATP-H, CMEL, CSEL, CFI/CFII Airplanes and Helicopters
For those of you who frequent the Bahamas or are thinking of heading over this year, there are some changes that are taking place accoding to the aviation authority officials at MYAT.

1. According to the Bahamian Aviation Authority, if you are flying into an airport that does not have an FBO, plan on being searched by a local official before you leave depart the airport in your plane.

At MYAT, this has been going on for the past two years or so with an airport official doing the searching. It started with "I just need to look in your bags" and as of last weekend is now up to a full hands on phystial search of your body and your bags. To include removing my hat and my belt!

On this past trip I asked why I was being searched since I was going to my own plane and I could carry what I wanted on my own plane. The (nice) lady said that since it's an international airport without an FBO they have to conduct a search to meet FAA requirements. I told her I had a C7A form and she had no idea what I was talking about.

2. There is now a tie down fee for all aircraft at airports without an FBO. I paid $11.19 VAT included for my tie down of 3 nights. When you leave you will be asked for the receipt that you paid your tie down fee. If you don't have it, expect a hassle and hope that they still have the manifest from when you arrived.

3. They are installing an AWOS at MYAT. Who knows when this will be up and running. Hopefully it won' be like the control tower at MYAM (they didn't run electric.)

For my weekend trip over, the costs to get into and out of the airport is broken down as follows:
$50 "airport tax" (aka a landing fee)
$11 overnight parking
$29 per person exit fee (x4 for me)
Paradise got a bit more expensive.
The $50 charge is not a landing fee. It is a "processing fee."

There is no landing fee for single engine aircraft. There is, however, a landing fee for twin engine aircraft. The amount of that fee can vary at the whim of the Bahamian customs agents.

They also make other rules ($$$) on the fly (no pun intended).
are the islands typically safe as far as your plane goes? anyone ever have any issues while parked somewhere in the Bahamas?
The $50 charge is not a landing fee. It is a "processing fee."

There is no landing fee for single engine aircraft. There is, however, a landing fee for twin engine aircraft. The amount of that fee can vary at the whim of the Bahamian customs agents.

They also make other rules ($$$) on the fly (no pun intended).

Landing fee, processing fee, what ever you want to call it, you have to pay it.

Here is the kicker, you have to pay it EVERYTIME you come back. I have three trips planned for March. That means that I will pay a minimum of $150 for the "processing" and for my family of 4 a total of $348 just to leave the Bahamas.
For those of you who frequent the Bahamas or are thinking of heading over this year, there are some changes that are taking place accoding to the aviation authority officials at MYAT.

Did they ask to see your CBP decal? I ordered mine back in November and still have not received it due to the shutdown.
Looks like they've been hanging around too much with the American Volkspolizei *cough* I mean CBP. Courtesy of the "war of Drugs" my friend. You're only the "defended" when you deplane from a sanctioned McAirline. Own plane? LOL You're now the enemy.


If it makes you feel better, that's still less than ONE gas-n-go in the turks and caicos!:eek:
Did they ask to see your CBP decal? I ordered mine back in November and still have not received it due to the shutdown.

yikes, ok, I ordered mine a few weeks ago so I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.
yikes, ok, I ordered mine a few weeks ago so I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.

Yeah, y'all aren't going anywhere. Though I thought these days having the receipt was actually good enough. What's the worst the thugs could say when you arrive without it?

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And the Bahamians don’t care about your decal, it’s the US guys that will ask to see it when you return.
The Bahamians do not care about your CBP decal but as was mentioned, the CBP does when you arrive back home.

When you fill out APIS you hav to put your decal number in. The past 4 times I have flown over, I have gotten the same CBP officer on the return leg. He's always very nice and recognized us from our trip in November. This weekend we got talking about how the shutdown is affecting him. He said nothing has changed except for the paycheck!
The Bahamians do not care about your CBP decal but as was mentioned, the CBP does when you arrive back home.

When you fill out APIS you hav to put your decal number in. The past 4 times I have flown over, I have gotten the same CBP officer on the return leg. He's always very nice and recognized us from our trip in November. This weekend we got talking about how the shutdown is affecting him. He said nothing has changed except for the paycheck!

where do u check in when u return?
Yes. That works too, just more expensive gas and the Customs building is much further away from the FBO’s.

what if u don't need gas or the fbo, and you're a small plane only going in for customs, will they typically send you to 10R/28L ?
I don’t know how much they use that runway. The smallest thing I’ve been in there with is the Pilatus.
KFPR seems to be the most convenient.clearing customs is relatively easy.
You guys should try owning a boat... $300 cash for a Bahamas “Cruising Permit.” Good for 90 days.

The upside is I don’t have to check in with US Customs in person. I can do it online.
You guys should try owning a boat... $300 cash for a Bahamas “Cruising Permit.” Good for 90 days.

The upside is I don’t have to check in with US Customs in person. I can do it online.

That's why I wound up buying a plane! My boat will be over there from March until the end of July!

I convinced my wife that buying a plane would save us money.
You guys should try owning a boat... $300 cash for a Bahamas “Cruising Permit.” Good for 90 days.

The upside is I don’t have to check in with US Customs in person. I can do it online.

You also don’t have to check out and prove you paid a fee. And it’s $150 if your boat is less than 30’ IIRC.

Correct on the under 30ft fee. Mine is 37’ with 3 300s. They way guys on this forum whine about fuel burn really cracks me up. My cruising fuel burn is about 1.5 miles per gallon.
Makes me not want to go there. Shame, I was actually getting the Wife turned onto the idea.
I would recommend FPR. Customs is right next to the FBO.

I second that recommendation. Not only is Customs conveniently located, fast, and efficient, the FBO (App Jet Center) has reasonably priced raft rentals and very friendly, helpful people.

Makes me not want to go there. Shame, I was actually getting the Wife turned onto the idea.

I wouldn't let a silly little fee stop you. It's well worth the trip. The flying is beautiful.
Not only is Customs conveniently located, fast, and efficient, the FBO (App Jet Center) has reasonably priced raft rentals and very friendly, helpful people.

I wouldn't let a silly little fee stop you. It's well worth the trip. The flying is beautiful.

I have never rented a raft. You are never more than 50nm off shore when flying. I second that the flying is beautiful but the destination is even better (even with the fees!)
That's why I wound up buying a plane! My boat will be over there from March until the end of July!

I convinced my wife that buying a plane would save us money.

Seems like quite a logical argument to me. And goes towards offsetting the cost of having a boat.
Doesn't get any better than that. ;)
I second that recommendation. Not only is Customs conveniently located, fast, and efficient, the FBO (App Jet Center) has reasonably priced raft rentals and very friendly, helpful people.

I wouldn't let a silly little fee stop you. It's well worth the trip. The flying is beautiful.
It is more the pat down search.