Cessna down KIZA (Santa Ynez)

Dang, looks like one of CP's planes out of Santa Paula: N9567L.
I wonder why the registration number is blocked in the photo...
The ADS-B track looks a lot like a left stall/spin just after departing after a third pattern circuit. Got real flat and slow just off the departure end compared to the other circuits, then a fairly tight and flat track to the left toward the crash site. ADS-B hits end before any indication of descent. Reasons unknown as of yet.

Weather was warm and decent, a bit breezy, but for reference:

Accident occurred at approximately 2339Z on 06052024

KIZA 052315Z AUTO 23009G14KT 9SM CLR 30/19 A2984 RMK AO2
KIZA 052355Z AUTO 25009KT 8SM CLR 29/17 A2984 RMK AO2

Density altitude at the field would have been about 2500’.
Either a Civil Air Patrol plane, or a HUGE label for where the fuel cap is located.