Cleared for takeoff around 8:00. Shipped to departures around 9:20. Tower realizes somethings going wrong around around 10:00
One thing I didn't notice until I downloaded both clips to Audacity and played them simultaneously:
At 10:00
tower reminds her to turn left and asks if she's still on frequency. At 10:09 she tells
approach she's still on frequency. So it seems like there was some radio mismanagement as well.
Looks like the timing is:
8:06 tower cleared her for takeoff
8:10 she acknowledges
10:00 tower reminds her to turn left and asks if she's still on frequency
10:09 she tells approach she's still on frequency
10:15 approach tells her to turn right immediately to 030
10:23 approach says MVA is 3700
10:37 low altitude alert, climb immediately maintain 5000
10:51 tower asks how does she hear followed a split second later by approach asking if she's got an emergency
Flightradar24 says she was turning onto the departure runway around 38 minutes past the hour...
So she would have been somewhere around here when tower reminds her to turn left.