Cathy's Aviation Month recap


Pattern Altitude
Mar 2, 2005
I want to start by saying "Thank you" to all of you who had suggestions of where I could find information. The month was a ton of fun to teach.

I received so many "goodies" from many aviation related companies. Goodies such as peanuts, pictures, wings (3 sets), helicopter pins, DVDs, tapes, inflatable airplanes, posters and coloring sheets.

These are the companies that sent me information and I want to thank them all.
-United Airlines
-Cessna Aircraft Company
-Northwest Airlines
-Southwest Airlines
-Robinson Helicopter Company
-Turf Soaring School in AZ
-Frontier Airlines
-Alaska Airlines
-Continental Airlines
-Aviat Aircraft Inc.
-Tiger Aircraft LLC
-Cirrus Design Corporation
-The Soaring Society of America
-The New Piper Aircraft
-Benny Mallory at Mallory Airport
-"Pop-Pop" from Millville Airport

I also want to thank my loving husband and Sean for flying around the school. The children got the biggest thrill out of watching the airplane going around and around just for them. Some of the children were insisting to their parents that morning that they were going to be in the airplane. They are still talking about it!

I now have children in my class who say that when they grow up, they want to be a pilot just like Mr. Joe. When Joe visits me at the school, the children just swarm him and talk to him about the airplane.

Sean also had a place in the spot light. I invited him to speak to my 4 year old class. He talked about the first time he ever flew in an airplane. Then he talked about flying over the school. The children loved it and so did he! He was also involved in the infamous "high-wing / low-wing" survey.

One girl just took a trip with her family last week. She drew a picture of a big airplane with a pilot. She gave it to someone on the airplane to give to the pilot, she was instantly whisked into the cockpit to meet the pilot. Needless to say, she was so excited and the pilot was impressed with her knowledge of aviation!

On Friday, I had 4 or 5 parents just thank me for all the work that I put into the aviation unit. They all said that their children enjoyed it and looked forward to finding out what "goodies" Ms. Cathy put in their folder for them to take home. One parent even commented that before I started the unit, she has been very leery of planes since 9-11, but now she understands more about aviation. She is now more accepting of airplanes and is not as afraid of them.

There was also another parent who told her father-in-law about Joe and Sean flying around the school. It turns out that he is a mechanic teacher at Millville Airport. She said that he would just love to come in and talk to us. "Pop-Pop" even showed us a video of his first jump from an airplane. He held the children's attention for over 30 minutes! I invited him to stay and have lunch with his granddaughter.

If any of you have a chance, volunteer to speak in a daycare center or a school. We really need to get the future of aviation excited again! The children love guest speakers (and so do the teachers!)

I hope you enjoy the pictures. Thank you all again.:goofy:

Cathy Williams
Great job Cathy! What a wonderfull accomplishment. Its not often you get to teach something you, Sean and Joe love. I am sure with teachers like you, General Aviation will be seen in a positive light for years to come.

P.S. Please convince Joe the Tiger is worth the one hour drive. :)
Anthony said:
Great job Cathy! What a wonderfull accomplishment. Its not often you get to teach something you, Sean and Joe love. I am sure with teachers like you, General Aviation will be seen in a positive light for years to come.

P.S. Please convince Joe the Tiger is worth the one hour drive. :)

Cathy says she was one of the three in her class that voted for the low wing planes when they held a vote to decide who liked what :) We actually keep trying to talk ourselves into making the drive... but it is kind of hard to justify two to two and a half hours of driving in return for an hour and a half or two of flying, which is what a lot of what our upcoming trips will be, when we can cut the drive time in half in return for perfectly acceptable new Skyhawks. Even for the joy of flying the Tiger. We are actually still discussing it. I've got property taxes due this month, so I don't think I'll be in the air again until mid-June, so we have plenty of time to talk about it :(
Cathy, Thank You. You probably did more good for aviation with that one piece of work, than 99% of the pilots in the US did all year.
Nice work Cathy. Now how can I give you rep points without them going to Joe?:D
Cathy, that is so cool. I am certain the kids will remember this for a long time. I agree, you did help GA in a big, big way! Congratulations on your success.
lancefisher said:
Nice work Cathy. Now how can I give you rep points without them going to Joe?:D

Lance, you go ahead and post that rep point. I'll be sure and let Cathy know which one is hers :p

Gratuitous Wonder Babe here --> :wonderwoman:
Way to go, Cathy! You made lots of friends for GA for life. Good job!

Nice job Cathy,

That's the stuff that will help us all in GA if we live long enough !
I'm doing a flight presentation at the local grade school & our airport this month too.

Joe Williams said:
I want to start by saying "Thank you" to all of you who had suggestions of where I could find information. The month was a ton of fun to teach.

I received so many "goodies" from many aviation related companies. Goodies such as peanuts, pictures, wings (3 sets), helicopter pins, DVDs, tapes, inflatable airplanes, posters and coloring sheets.

These are the companies that sent me information and I want to thank them all.
-United Airlines
-Cessna Aircraft Company
-Northwest Airlines
-Southwest Airlines
-Robinson Helicopter Company
-Turf Soaring School in AZ
-Frontier Airlines
-Alaska Airlines
-Continental Airlines
-Aviat Aircraft Inc.
-Tiger Aircraft LLC
-Cirrus Design Corporation
-The Soaring Society of America
-The New Piper Aircraft
-Benny Mallory at Mallory Airport
-"Pop-Pop" from Millville Airport

I also want to thank my loving husband and Sean for flying around the school. The children got the biggest thrill out of watching the airplane going around and around just for them. Some of the children were insisting to their parents that morning that they were going to be in the airplane. They are still talking about it!

I now have children in my class who say that when they grow up, they want to be a pilot just like Mr. Joe. When Joe visits me at the school, the children just swarm him and talk to him about the airplane.

Sean also had a place in the spot light. I invited him to speak to my 4 year old class. He talked about the first time he ever flew in an airplane. Then he talked about flying over the school. The children loved it and so did he! He was also involved in the infamous "high-wing / low-wing" survey.

One girl just took a trip with her family last week. She drew a picture of a big airplane with a pilot. She gave it to someone on the airplane to give to the pilot, she was instantly whisked into the cockpit to meet the pilot. Needless to say, she was so excited and the pilot was impressed with her knowledge of aviation!

On Friday, I had 4 or 5 parents just thank me for all the work that I put into the aviation unit. They all said that their children enjoyed it and looked forward to finding out what "goodies" Ms. Cathy put in their folder for them to take home. One parent even commented that before I started the unit, she has been very leery of planes since 9-11, but now she understands more about aviation. She is now more accepting of airplanes and is not as afraid of them.

There was also another parent who told her father-in-law about Joe and Sean flying around the school. It turns out that he is a mechanic teacher at Millville Airport. She said that he would just love to come in and talk to us. "Pop-Pop" even showed us a video of his first jump from an airplane. He held the children's attention for over 30 minutes! I invited him to stay and have lunch with his granddaughter.

If any of you have a chance, volunteer to speak in a daycare center or a school. We really need to get the future of aviation excited again! The children love guest speakers (and so do the teachers!)

I hope you enjoy the pictures. Thank you all again.:goofy:

Cathy Williams
Great job, Cathy.​
Let's see if we can get Robert to have your efforts recognized by the good citizens at AOPA! I know he lurks here. Whaddaya say Robert? Can it be done? How about Alton Marsh?