Cargo and which medical


Jan 30, 2023
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Generally, do most cargo pilot jobs require a first or second class medical, does it depend on the weight, type of cargo, plane size
Or just the individual company itself? What would the average starting pay for a commercial cargo pilot these days be ?
Sort of what you mean by "cargo". A friend flies big iron (757/767) for a global package company. I've known others that flew rush parts orders in small aircraft (that sort of job seems to have pretty much disappeared). The first required an ATP and first class, the second commercial and second class. Any employer can require a medical of whatever they wish, above and beyond what is required by regulations.
The bigger plane (thus more freight) you fly, the more you'll make. But at a certain point you'll need that ATP.
The guys I knew flying checks were making peanuts, but that's another job that is history. I believe a guy flying FexEx Caravans was making in the forties a decade ago (or at least pre-pandemic). God knows what that job pays today.
To fly 121 cargo you'll need a 1st class.

I think the FedEx feeder pilots start out in the low $60's now. Not great but way better than it used to be.
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