This question was brought to me by a coworker.
He is a CFI-Airplane Single Engine and Multiengine. He is NOT a CFI-Instrument Airplane. (In common vernacular, he is a CFI and MEI but not a CFII.)
Can he train someone for an "add-on" multiengine rating if the applicant is instrument rated, and therefore will need to conduct a single engine instrument approach on the checkride (and therefore obviously must need to do it a few times in training)?
So a Private Pilot - ASEL, IA adding on a Private-AMEL rating, or the same for a Commercial Pilot.
I think the legal answer is "yes, he can". Here is my reasoning.
1) A CFI is required to be a CFII in order to conduct "instrument training for the issuance of an instrument rating... or the instrument training required for commercial pilot and ATP certificates..." (61.195(c)).
2) The applicant is not working on an instrument rating, so that part doesn't apply.
3) There is no instrument training required for adding an AMEL rating onto an existing CP-ASEL certificate - such applicant do not need to meet any specific training requirements (61.63(c)(3)).
4) There is no mention of Private Pilot training in this 61.195(c), but even if they were, it would be the same situation as my #3.
So, there is no instrument training required for the AMEL add-on. But the applicant does need to be able to fly the approach on the checkride. So I guess while practicing for this, the non-CFII would be acting as a safety pilot only?
I did search the Chief Counsel site.
He is a CFI-Airplane Single Engine and Multiengine. He is NOT a CFI-Instrument Airplane. (In common vernacular, he is a CFI and MEI but not a CFII.)
Can he train someone for an "add-on" multiengine rating if the applicant is instrument rated, and therefore will need to conduct a single engine instrument approach on the checkride (and therefore obviously must need to do it a few times in training)?
So a Private Pilot - ASEL, IA adding on a Private-AMEL rating, or the same for a Commercial Pilot.
I think the legal answer is "yes, he can". Here is my reasoning.
1) A CFI is required to be a CFII in order to conduct "instrument training for the issuance of an instrument rating... or the instrument training required for commercial pilot and ATP certificates..." (61.195(c)).
2) The applicant is not working on an instrument rating, so that part doesn't apply.
3) There is no instrument training required for adding an AMEL rating onto an existing CP-ASEL certificate - such applicant do not need to meet any specific training requirements (61.63(c)(3)).
4) There is no mention of Private Pilot training in this 61.195(c), but even if they were, it would be the same situation as my #3.
So, there is no instrument training required for the AMEL add-on. But the applicant does need to be able to fly the approach on the checkride. So I guess while practicing for this, the non-CFII would be acting as a safety pilot only?
I did search the Chief Counsel site.