Camp Scholler 2011


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
Display Name

Display name:
Grant Prellwitz
So, we're starting to prepare for camping in Camp Scholler at AirVenture 2011. We had a really good experience the first time we did it, and look forward to repeating it. (We skipped it last year for SloshKosh).

Like last time, we're offering to try to grab a bunch of spots near one another to form a "compound" (albeit not guarded or exclusive in any way!) We're making this known through Pilots of America and our local FBO here in Bolingbrook, A & M.

So far we have 5 confirmed and 2 who have expressed interest. (Note that those counts are attendees, not camping sites!)

If you're interested, post on this thread, PM me, or e-mail me!
As per your PM, I am still interested and will firm up my work schedule this week to see what dates I can go and will let you know ASAP.


Hey, Grant! I will be up there from Sunday until Thursday morning. I hope to see you there. I may be at the Warbird Tower off and on, if they need me.