Brief Tribute to Flightline Ops at AirVenture


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 4, 2007
Waukesha County, WI
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With the permission of its creator and fellow Flightline ops volunteer Mike Hill, here is a brief video of Flightline operations at AirVenture. Enjoy.

I'm starting my first shift on Saturday 12:20 - 4:20 pm. Fly safely, everyone.

Edit: here's the link again. Hopefully it won't change. The title of it should be "Blazing Paddles." :)
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Thanks Stan, see you in a few days. I even made a better sign, white with thick black letters.
With the permission of its creator and fellow Flightline ops volunteer Mike Hill, here is a brief video of Flightline operations at AirVenture. Enjoy.

I'm starting my first shift on Saturday 12:20 - 4:20 pm. Fly safely, everyone.

Excellent! Thanks for posting that -and- thanks for being a volunteer, must be quite the experience.

I'm still not getting the video that I wanted to post, so here's the email from the producer, which contains the link to "Blazing Paddles":

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mike Hill
Date: July 18, 2014 at 16:47:43 CDT
To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: Brief Tribute to Flight Line Operations at Airventure..

Hello to my fellow Flight LIne Operations Volunteers.. I hope that most of you will make it back to Oshkosh again this year. I know that I’m looking forward to the show.

I was lucky enough last year, near the end of the week, to be granted permission to take some video on the Flight Line. Here’s the brief tribute to the work we do that I produced.

My hope this year is that I may be able to flesh it out with some on-camera interviews, turning it into a slightly longer production. Perhaps the Gods will smile and I’ll be able to visit more locations during our deployments and capture more of the team in action.

Anyway - I hope that you enjoy it and that it will enable you to tell others a little more about what we do - and how important it is..


Edit: the link must just be corrupted. Sorry.
Ah, life at the green dot.
I dont know who it was that said here were no Vintage Cardinals but they had me wait ten minutes to verify my plane was the same as the 1968 owners manual I gave them.
Other than that great help and great to be here
Cool video! Thanks for posting it!
It's hard to beat standing right on Bravo1 for four hours watching planes try to hit the green dot.

Some excitement included:

A yellow Stearman ground loop or nearly ground loop.

An RV taking his sweet time exiting 27 while a Citation nearly overran the RV, and avoided a potential collision by hugging the right side of the runway.

A flight of four T-33s doing an overhead break right above me.

A fair amount of go arounds, most ATC related, some prudent pilot related.

Fun stuff.
Oh, and a T-28 pilot on rollout saying "I'm gonna hit that Cessna" when the Cessna was more than one dot down the runway. I know the T-28 was meant to be a jet trainer, but he wasn't flying a jet. He sounded a little drama-queenie about the whole thing. It was a cammo T-28, and this was mid-afternoon if anyone was listening to LiveATC.
So long, Oshkosh. It's been a great week. Probably the best show in the last 8 years. Tomorrow may be a bear, because on the Friday and Saturday evening shifts, literally no one was leaving. I bet I marshaled no more than a dozen and a half plains for departure on Friday night, and except for maybe a few dozen departures on 09, the airport was spooky quiet tonight between 6:00 and 8:00pm.

I'm staying home tomorrow, but travel safely.

Here's one last video taken from the roof of the FLO building during the show:


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It was great to see you again, Stan! We watched departures Saturday night from our usual spot on Rwy 27, and were also surprised (and delighted) by the small number of departures. It was nice to see so many make it to the bitter end!

Our departure Sunday was simplicity itself, although we got hit by a temporary departure hold for some weird NW-to-SE formation flight. Very strange, for 11 AM (not airshow time!), but it was only for a few minutes and then we blasted off with minimal delay.

Climbed to FL14.5, clicked on the music and O2, and let Otto fly us to our fuel stop in Springdale, ARK, burning 7.8 GPH. Gotta love the RV!