

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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Today is the anniversary of my first solo 4/24/1954. An Aeronca 7AC at the lone gone Grand Central Air Terminal at Glendale CA.

I was going to solo on my 16th birthday, but the LA smog socked the field in for a few days.

I can't fly today since both my planes are out of commission for at least a week. :(

Maybe next year.

Salome, AZ
Awesome! Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary old timer.
Today is the anniversary of my first solo 4/24/1954. An Aeronca 7AC at the lone gone Grand Central Air Terminal at Glendale CA.

I was going to solo on my 16th birthday, but the LA smog socked the field in for a few days.

I can't fly today since both my planes are out of commission for at least a week. :(

Maybe next year.

Salome, AZ
Congrats and happy 82 birthday!!
What a great looking building from a bygone era!
Wow the most interesting thing about that chart is that the basin still has patches of white (not yellow, I.e undeveloped land). My dad grew up for a time in what is now Inglewood and said he would go bird hunting right out his back yard - hard to believe...
The airport is long gone but the terminal building remains.
I believe Disney Studios use it for offices and a small museum in inside too.
Grand Central was the main commercial airport for Los Angeles before Union Air Terminal in Burbank (later Lockheed Air Terminal, now KBUR) took over in the early 1930s.


The runway still exists, now known as Grand Central Avenue in Glendale.