Bose A20 - which plugs?


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
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Hey guys,

I got a great tax return this year so I am thinking of maybe picking up a set of Bose A20s at the Bose Outlet tomorrow. I know that most fixed wing planes are dual plugs so I am guessing that is the cable type I will want. Is this correct?
Yes. You can get adaptors if you fly something different down the road
What is a "tax return"?

Self imposed forced savings program where you give the government a interest free loan all year from each paycheck until such time that you can hire a CPA and prove it is really your money and file a crapton of forms to get it back.
Twin plugs is probably what you want but just know that if you go with LEMO (panel powered) plugs you can still use an adapter to convert them back to regular twin plugs.

LEMO would allow you to use either panel power or the battery (unlike Lightspeed, the Bose A20s have a battery pack on the LEMO version), twin plugs or the round LEMO plug.