Cleared for Takeoff
I know at least a few of you have discussed scuba diving before, so figured I'd check with you regarding a trip we'll be taking later this spring. We're headed to Buddy Dive Resort in Bonaire. It'll be a group of 4 divers (all AOW certified) who have never been there before. We've read reviews that mention either leaving things in your apartment or taking them on the dive with you, but leaving valuables in the vehicle while you're diving isn't a good idea (sounds fairly common for things to get ripped off). Anything else we should know? Any particular dive spots we should make an effort to see? We'll be there for a week with boat dives some (most?) of the days, but also plan to venture out on our own quite a bit.
Thanks in advance for any info/advice you can offer!
Thanks in advance for any info/advice you can offer!