Boeing 777 Tail Strike "Record"?

I counted 7 or 8 seconds of the tail dragging the runway. Several things could cause that. Load planning mis computing payload, crew screwing up v speed calculations, flying pilot rotated too soon, others I can’t think of right now.
Not to throw these guys under the bus, but, man… that’s quite the feat since the 777 has a tail strike mitigation system that automatically reduces elevator deflection if it senses an impending tail strike.
Not to throw these guys under the bus, but, man… that’s quite the feat since the 777 has a tail strike mitigation system that automatically reduces elevator deflection if it senses an impending tail strike.
Really? I never knew that. 17 years and however many thousands of hour…

Of course, that was all on the -200. The longer models were not on the property when I was flying them. Maybe it is a system on the newer planes.