Board broke??

Joe Williams said:
Am I the only one for whom the board is barely functional tonight?
Seems slower than usual...

I'll check what I can but Chuck is the 'inner workings' guy.
I see no operational differences.

But I am using the slower 'puter, too.

Wait 'til we see how slow it is, using a shared dial-up line at Gaston's.
Joe Williams said:
Am I the only one for whom the board is barely functional tonight?

It's V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W for me tonight. Reminds me of the old days.
Seems ok for me on the west coast. Been on a few times this afternoon/evening w/o problems.

Reply from bytes=32 time=93ms TTL=40

Request timed out.

Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for;

Packets: sent= 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss)

Approximate round trip time: in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 87ms, Maximum = 93ms, Average = 91 ms

Not too good. My cable company's home page is pretty fast on the ping tonight. "Somewhere, out there, beneath the clear blue sky...."
All internal operations are showing normal so far. Currently I'm thinking there's a bad router somewhere slowing things down. If this continues through the day I'll give the host co. a call.
probably too late, but a traceroute would have been interesting to see.
Wow! Ask and ye shall receive! Just after I hit post, the page came back as unable to be displayed! Here was the traceroute:

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms
2 42 ms 40 ms 38 ms []
3 39 ms 40 ms 36 ms
4 41 ms 85 ms 29 ms
5 52 ms 53 ms 52 ms []
6 53 ms 30 ms 51 ms []
7 53 ms 41 ms 52 ms []
8 52 ms 52 ms 59 ms []
9 51 ms 52 ms 46 ms []
10 62 ms 57 ms 73 ms []
11 73 ms 56 ms 74 ms []
12 84 ms 108 ms 110 ms []
13 70 ms 89 ms 110 ms []
14 113 ms 112 ms 115 ms []
15 103 ms 102 ms 93 ms []
16 111 ms 115 ms 100 ms []
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 118 ms 106 ms 119 ms []
20 119 ms 119 ms 113 ms []
Trace complete.

Looks like the ISP for secure server is having a tad of an issue....

Not necessarily - that could just mean the server is configured to block ICMP requests - which isn't a bad thing.

The times coming back - 119 ms, 113 ms - those indicate that the basic response time of the machines are good.

So I'm still looking around.
Hmm, odd. I'm surprised that ICMP is blocked on ONE router.

I just retraced it from multiple servers around the US, and it always dies just before secure server. Its odd that they appear to block it at their border router, and not internal servers. If it was for "security" they would block all ICMP, and all further hops would be dead.

Looks like a poorly configured router, but not the problem for POA anyway....
Well we seem to be running at full speed again. I don't know for certain if this is because I ordered a server restart this morning or simply because some intermediary got fixed, however.

Ah well. :)

Nothing more I can do until this evening. I can surf from my new client site - but thats it. Can't even access any other email than theirs. *sigh*

Paranoid financial companies. Can't blame em tho, I suppose.
Greebo said:
Nothing more I can do until this evening. I can surf from my new client site - but thats it. Can't even access any other email than theirs. *sigh*

Paranoid financial companies. Can't blame em tho, I suppose.

By law they have to archive any and all email and other messages in and out. Most of 'em would prefer not to, but big brother...
I know, I know, I've seen the messages enough times as I've gone to my various email sources.

It just seems silly that NON BROKER TYPES like me (outside consultant software developer) who have nothing to do with trading have to get hit by that too.

Greebo said:
I know, I know, I've seen the messages enough times as I've gone to my various email sources.

It just seems silly that NON BROKER TYPES like me (outside consultant software developer) who have nothing to do with trading have to get hit by that too.


Ah, but Herr Haeberle, how do ve know you ahre who you say you ahre???
Greebo said:
I know, I know, I've seen the messages enough times as I've gone to my various email sources.

It just seems silly that NON BROKER TYPES like me (outside consultant software developer) who have nothing to do with trading have to get hit by that too.


Paul, blame the idiot senator from MD - Sarbanes.

Sarbanes-Oxley has to be the DUMBEST form of legislation ever passed. Seriously.


astanley said:
Paul, blame the idiot senator from MD - Sarbanes.

Sarbanes-Oxley has to be the DUMBEST form of legislation ever passed. Seriously.


Actually, this isn't related to Socks. I'm working at a Securities Trading firm - you know, stocks, options, brokers, all that jazz. Different and more intense set of regulations under the Security and Exchange Commission.

Socks is lightweight compared to SEC's rules. ;)
Greebo said:
Actually, this isn't related to Socks. I'm working at a Securities Trading firm - you know, stocks, options, brokers, all that jazz. Different and more intense set of regulations under the Security and Exchange Commission.

Socks is lightweight compared to SEC's rules. ;)

OK. Blame Martha Stewart. ;)

Jay Leno said, "OJ walked. Michael Jackson walked. Martha calls her broker and goes to jail!"

It looks like a those CEOs AREN'T going to walk. Make room in the extended stay area for the Enron guys.