I was in the same boat with hypertension and was prescribed a few different Beta Blockers and the only one that I could tolerate for more than a month was Atenolol (which was on the FAA approved list) but even then I could not stand up quick in the morning without falling over, and my anxiety was through the roof.
Three generations of men in my family died of heart disease so I got serious and studied to fix my problem without medication.
Here are the big changes I made to go from 165/100 to 110/75 and maybe it will help others research and fix some hypertension.
1) Got an IgE Antibody Blood Allergy test to help pinpoint what foods I was allergic to and unfortunately Yeast is something my body gets really ****ed off when I consume, especially my favorite "Brewers yeast" So when I cut out Beer for 2 or so weeks my blood pressure will drop with no other changes and go back up with a weekend that includes beer.
2) Exercise, yes this has to be a part of it, so I got a heart rate monitor and started doing zone work outs that only focus on raising my rate and recovering. This could be hiking, rowing, stepper, tennis ect.
3) Fluid - I was constantly dehydrated so now I make sure to drink 2500-3000ml every day of just pure UN-adulterated water.
4) Last but one of the most important items ""Sodium""....Not cutting it out but Balancing it with potassium. This one really ticks me off how many people/doctors say just reduce sodium but dont know about balancing potassium. Make your potassium intake 2x sodium intake IE 2000mg sodium needs to have 4000mg of potassium to balance cells and fluid transfer.
This one made the biggest drop in blood pressure along with the proper hydration. But it is was hardest cause the western diet is so loaded with sodium that you cannot eat enough potassium rich foods like bananas, potatoes, oranges to counter act the typical burger from a restaurant. So yes you have to cut some out.
I understand it may not work for all, but it did for me and hopefully it will help someone else.