Tied Down
Hopefully, a VOR/DME or a VORTAC. Not supposed to be a PTS task if you don't have a real DME in the plane.
Only a fault if something is wrong with your radios. If you depart from a towered field and they hear you, your radio is checked.
Yep. I used mine in the hold. It's a PTS task to be asked to fly an approach with one if it supports it. In my case it went like this:
<we just finished unusual attitudes and the gyros are covered>
DPE: (mimicking ATC) Maint 3000' until established Cleared RNAV 23 approach.
<start flying the approach>
DPE: Does your autopilot still work when the vacuum fails.
ME: Yes, it's a rate unit off the electric TC.
DPE: Then why don't you use it?
ME: OK. Verify that the we're on the leg of the approach and punch on the autopilot.
I had to explain that my AP sucks so bad at everything that in IMC it would likely kill me, but that it's in spec and I wouldn't be placarding it INOP.
DPE accommodated by letting me show him how bad it was on the first leg outbound from the airport.
It'll do great "s-turns about a course" and would keep you (barely) right side up in a dire emergency, but with large deviations left and right.
He agreed that it sucked and I hand flew all of the approaches from then on.