Big Hangar Roof Questions

FL Pilot

Nov 23, 2020
West Central Florida
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FL Pilot
I'm in the very preliminary stages of planning to build a hangar in Florida. Ideally, it will be concrete block, 70' wide by 80' deep. I'm researching self supporting Higher Power or Airside doors, which would be on the 70' wall (as wide as I can fit).

I'm curious if anyone here has built a hangar of similar width?

Being in coastal FL, a hip roof is preferred for wind loads. Has anyone here constructed a hangar with a hip roof (at least) 70' wide? Did you use wood trusses or steel trusses?

I realize it's a big hangar and won't be cheap but I'm only going to do this once. No one ever said "I wish I'd built a smaller hangar."

Please try to keep the replies relevant and objective.

70 foot wood trusses are going to be massive. The material cost alone would most likely exceed the cost of steel trusses and their hanging costs. Additionally, it would require some heavy engineering for a block wall to support wood trusses and all the stresses they will impart on the walls. The museum that I used to volunteer at, had an old B-29 hangar with wood trusses. They weighed probably close to 2 tons each, and had lots of 2x16's in them.
I’ve seen some pretty neat wide span hangers using tall poles on the walls and cables from their top to support a mid span beam, with guy wires to brace the poles (think a giant capital M when viewed from the front).
Id go all steel before I even thought concrete block with hip roof with wood trusses.

IMP's look really nice with added benefit of insulation. CMU sucks as far as r value goes and you'd still need steel to reinforce the opening.
I'm curious if anyone here has built a hangar of similar width?

In view of your weather, I would look at the local hangars that have easily survived multiple ’canes (you’d have to interview the local owners, pilots, fbo managers).
I bet there are also some proven hangar designs & some well-known construction companies in the state that get mentioned several times.
(I don’t think you have to design, or even research designs in this circumstance - rely on the already known & proven.)