What are your thoughts? I have AOPA's FlyQ Pocket on my iPhone and it is pretty good, but no charts. Is there another (free?) app with this stuff on it that would work good on an iPhone?
Dunno about free, but the paid subscription apps ( Foreflight, WingX, and Garmin Pilot ) have plenty of features and value to substantiate paying the subscription costs. All have a free trial period so you can determine which fits your style of flying and usage.
I myself use ForeFlight and you can run it on I believe up to 2 devices with a single paid subscription. Pretty tough to read things on my iphone so I carry that for backup with an ipad mini for my primary(and of course, a paper chart in the map pocket).
Check out the fltplan.com app. I have the Android version but probably the iThings version is similar. Georeferenced charts, automatic access to airplane profiles, W&B, flight plans, etc. from the fltplan.com site. Many other tools. All free.