Best book on commercial flight maneuvers


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Jul 28, 2014
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With winter setting in I’m getting to the academic studying/reading part of my year. Next up is the commercial rating. What books do you guys recommend on learning the commercial maneuvers?
None, really. Most of the Commercial maneuvers are far more about "feel" and "doing what it takes to make it work" than you're used to from the instrument rating. Videos can help some, but to me nothing beats going up and seeing them demoed, then trying them. They are very easy to overthink (especially Lazy 8's), but once you see them it all kind of clicks better in my experience.

Trying to read about how to do a Lazy 8 is likely to make your head explode.
The FAA airplane flying handbook. I quoted it during my commercial. Its free and covers most of the maneuvers if not all-and uses the proper FAA terminology. Just like the ACS i am always surprised when I hear of pilots who do not reference or have not read these publications. Sincerely….