Best AirVenture 2011 video?

Amazing. A true artist, and a passion for aircraft.
Great video! :D Sad that we have to wait almost another year until Oshkosh comes around again. :(
Yeah, slick's da man. Other year's videos are great too.

2010: (my favorite)

In the 2010 video, I really like...

The montage he did at 2:10
The candid shots of the elderly couple looking at the aircraft at 2:40
The digital zoom-out for the DC-3 formation at 2:46-48 which came in from the West and was hard to shoot.

I do wish the shot of the DC-3's on final for 18 at 2:57 was longer... it's a great shot.

The combo of the C-5 arrival and the biplane aerobatics at 3:26 is great.
The bird at 4:07 is a great touch.
Another cool montage at 4:15, that goes nuts with the music...
And the climax to the DC-3 montage at 4:18 that just completely kicks booty.

On top of all of that, the incorporation of homebuilder's courses, and the brown arch at 5:08 is just brilliant, and the way he made it feel like it was a single day sun-up to sun-down, even though that footage was shot over multiple days, is a great theme.

He has an eye for it, good taste in music, as well as good editing skills to move things against the beat of whatever tunes he picks. I've heard folks complain about the choice of music in the 2010 video, but it's great by me... I've watched that thing a million times looking for tricks if I ever get around to shooting video.

In the 2011 video, I liked the little joke of timing the shot of Rutan talking with the the lyric, "He said..." then cutting to his aircraft in flight... "... tell me all your thoughts of God." I have to believe looking at previous videos, that was a planned little bit of a gag there.

I also like that he added his dad and his arrival to the front of it... getting there by airplane is, of course, another part of what makes Oshkosh so special.

He slowed the pace a bit which helps some if you don't want to pause or go back to see stuff... you almost have to with 2010's video. More slo-mo effect this year, and more real-time non-speeded-up editing work which, seems to fit the choice of music.

He's also playing with a new panning style at 3:07 and a couple other places for ground "scene setting" shots. Like those.

I don't like the effect he's using at 3:16... it just makes my eyes water and triggers "I need to clean my glasses" feelings. :)

Really like the transition to the night airshow at 4:02... things quiet down then... boom. Nicely done.

The new time-lapse idea/editing at 4:40 is awesome. Couldn't figure out what it was at first, then the smoke comes on... nice!

The weird fuzz out the surroundings effect is back at 4:53. No likey.

The last three shots seem out of order. The "bye bye" view of the grounds as they were departing seems more appropriate as the last shot, following the tower shot. Maybe even dump the extra warbird fly-by shot right there, as it doesn't fit the "show's over" theme right at that point, or move it earlier.

Love that guy's work. He puts a great effort in every year.
p.s. Also love that he thumbs his nose at RIAA using non-podsafe music and either he has permission (unlikely) or they look and think... "That'll just sell more copies, it's done so well." YouTube doesn't seem to mess with him and do take-downs on the stuff, either. No idea how he's getting away with that... most popular stuff with real artist's music is yanked by YouTube almost immediately, and returns with some crappy soundtrack of something that no one's ever heard of before.
TW that is a really great video, thanks for sharing.