Planning to fly into Bennington VT (KDDH) in the next week or two. Have never flown in here before. For anyone familiar with the airport, are there any unique hazards or warnings/tips you would give? Am mostly focused on anything related to the surrounding terrain and how that may impact departure or approach. A/FD mentions "mountains all quadrants", and there does appear to be close-in rising terrain all around the field. Is this terrain so close that it requires anything unique on departure? Early turn, or maybe even VCOA? There is only one approach (RNAV 13) - I was reviewing Doug Stewart Flight Instruction and they referred to this as "one of the most challenging approaches in New England." Can anyone who's flown it shed light as to why this is? I know it could be an exaggeration to sell flight lessons. Just want to make sure I'm gathering as much info as possible and not getting in over my head attempting to fly in here. I'm going to call the FBO tomorrow to find some local knowledge, but thought I'd ask here as well. Much appreciated as always.