Below and beyond the TSA strip-search machine

I think I'll be peeing slightly higher than normal next time I fly the terrorist supported transportation means.

Yet another great idea brought on by America's only officially endorsed terrorist group.

edit: I also think this might be fake....
That has prank written all over it. I have to confess, though, that those little red window automatic flush thingies always put that thought in my head.
Surfing the network news tonight, caught B. Williams story on NBC about the boondoggle "air puff" scanning machines in terminals. Most have never even been unboxed because installed units were so unreliable and maintenance-intensive. Entire story was a harsh indictment of transportation safety enhancement since 2001. Surely not! You could have blown me over with a feather.
Surfing the network news tonight, caught B. Williams story on NBC about the boondoggle "air puff" scanning machines in terminals. Most have never even been unboxed because installed units were so unreliable and maintenance-intensive. Entire story was a harsh indictment of transportation safety enhancement since 2001. Surely not! You could have blown me over with a feather.

Yeahbut, usually the "indictment" is "THEY AREN'T DOING ANYTHING ABOUT SMALL PLANES!!!! AIR FREIGHT!!!! CARGO CONTAINERS!!!! .....

Some day Americans will wake up from their long slumber and realize once and for all that their government cannot protect them from criminals.
Some day Americans will wake up from their long slumber and realize once and for all that their government cannot protect them from criminals.

Thank you.

Btw, do you want to rethink your gun beliefs now?
And in yet another waste of taxpayer money, I heard a radio ad (NOT a PSA) placed by the TSA extolling the virtues of their "secure flight" initiative - and practically inviting passengers to ask the airline for it next time they fly.

Bad money after bad. The watchlist is so flawed that TSA needs radio ads to ram the wholesale collection and warehousing of personal data down our throats.