BasicMed CMEC Date and FAA


Pattern Altitude
Jul 21, 2017
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Is it a requirement that the FAA has the date of your last CMEC?

Background: My Course dates and CMEC dates have never matched as I took the course once BasicMed was rolled out but didn't have the CMEC until several months later. At the time I had a Second Class SI so it didn't really matter. Fast forward 7 years and from the FAA's perspective here are my dates:

BasicMed Course Date: 3/8/2023 - Expires 3/31/2025
BasicMed CMEC Date: 10/5/2020 - Expires 10/5/2024

I was unable to get my next annual physical scheduled with my PCP close to 10/5/2024, so he completed a new CMEC last year with a 10/17/2023 date - which would be valid until 10/17/2028 (or 10/31/2028 if the FAA fixes the CMEC duration). I don't see any way to get the updated CMEC date to the FAA without taking the course again. But is it really necessary? I have all the required and valid documentation of my CMEC and Course completion. I don't see any requirement that the FAA needs the dates, so am I good waiting until 3/2025 to take the course, at which time the FAA will receive an update? Has anyone had any experience with this scenario/question?
Is it a requirement that the FAA has the date of your last CMEC?

Background: My Course dates and CMEC dates have never matched as I took the course once BasicMed was rolled out but didn't have the CMEC until several months later. At the time I had a Second Class SI so it didn't really matter. Fast forward 7 years and from the FAA's perspective here are my dates:

BasicMed Course Date: 3/8/2023 - Expires 3/31/2025
BasicMed CMEC Date: 10/5/2020 - Expires 10/5/2024

I was unable to get my next annual physical scheduled with my PCP close to 10/5/2024, so he completed a new CMEC last year with a 10/17/2023 date - which would be valid until 10/17/2028 (or 10/31/2028 if the FAA fixes the CMEC duration). I don't see any way to get the updated CMEC date to the FAA without taking the course again. But is it really necessary? I have all the required and valid documentation of my CMEC and Course completion. I don't see any requirement that the FAA needs the dates, so am I good waiting until 3/2025 to take the course, at which time the FAA will receive an update? Has anyone had any experience with this scenario/question?
No. The proof of compliance is the actual CMEC and course completion certificate. That said, some folks (such as a potential employer if you're a CFI or FBO if you're a renter) might want to see the proper dates in the FAA website. If so, retaking the course is rather trivial. Also, if you got ramp checked by the FAA, the inspector might ask you to follow up with a copy of your signed CMEC if he or she couldn't verify the date online.