BasicMed and OCD



I have a brief history of OCD from childhood, successfully treated 20 years ago without medication and without recurrence. It took some work, but I was able to obtain a clean third-class medical, without SI.

I'm looking at BasicMed for future renewals, since I was later put on an unrelated SI for sleep apnea. However, I'm not sure if I'm eligible.

I want to make absolutely sure before I fill out the paperwork and potentially make a mistake — especially given that I could still jump through the usual hoops for a third-class if needed.

Specifically, I have two questions:

Question 1: Do I need a one-time SI for OCD under BasicMed?

I know under FAR 68.9 you need a one-time SI for certain mental heath issues, specifically:
  1. "A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts", or
  2. "A psychosis, defined as a case in which an individual has (or is reasonably expected to) manifested delusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre or disorganized behavior, or other commonly accepted symptoms of psychosis"
Would OCD fall under either of these categories?

I want to say the answer is no, since I understand OCD is an anxiety disorder rather than a personality disorder. But I'm less certain what conditions fall under the umbrella of a psychosis here, given how open ended that's worded.

Question 2: Since I'm not seeing a psychologist anymore (again, this was all 20 years ago), am I going to run afoul of the FAR 68.9(c)(2) special rule for mental health, requiring that you certify you're currently under the care of a state-licensed specialist?

The way this section is worded seems to imply that it applies to any mental health diagnosis, not just ones that are specifically excluded.
Did you disclose the ocd diagnosis?
Did you receive a “letter of eligibility?

Yes, it was disclosed with the initial medical application, along with supporting documentation.

I'm assuming the "letter of eligibility" is the note from the FAA stating "our review of your medical records has established that you are eligible for a third-class medical certificate"? If so, then yes I received that as well.
You held a medical and the FAA didn’t require a SI. You’re good
You held a medical and the FAA didn’t require a SI. You’re good
the letter means that FAA considers that unless you have a change you do NOT have this condition. can go whichever way you want!
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