Basic Med Physician


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 18, 2017
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Anyone know physicians doing basic med in and around Bozeman, Montana.

No, man. I live in Maryland, thousands of miles away.

I tried that (AOPA list of BasicMed) and the Doctors I called all said “Basic what???” Or “you want a 3rd , 2nd m, or 1st class medical? No, I’m an AME I only do FAA medicals”.

At least around me, the list has bad data.
I talked to one doc said flat-out he’s an AME not touching BasicMed, I asked “how did you get on AOPA’s list specifically for BasicMed?” He said “I don’t know, I’m an AME I don’t know what that is”.
Anyone know physicians doing basic med in and around Bozeman, Montana.


I tried that (AOPA list of BasicMed) and the Doctors I called all said “Basic what???” Or “you want a 3rd , 2nd m, or 1st class medical? No, I’m an AME I only do FAA medicals”.

At least around me, the list has bad data.
I talked to one doc said flat-out he’s an AME not touching BasicMed, I asked “how did you get on AOPA’s list specifically for BasicMed?” He said “I don’t know, I’m an AME I don’t know what that is”.

Sad indeed. I've been trying to get basicmed physician exam form completed for a few weeks now. As yet, unsuccessfully...

The Billings one TCABM listed above isn't very close to BZN.
Sad indeed. I've been trying to get basicmed physician exam form completed for a few weeks now. As yet, unsuccessfully...

The Billings one TCABM listed above isn't very close to BZN.

I think the lesson here is make sure you do this ~2-3 months before your previous medial expires, you’re gonna need your airplane to “cast a wider net” and find a doc that can do it, maybe outside of driving distance but het you gotta plane, right ? (It does not have to be in your home state).

In my area, there’s a cottage industry of BasicMed doctors sprung-up in TN because a quirk of the law makes Chiropractors a “state licensed physician” for the purpose of BasicMed in Tennessee.
(Not gonna derail the thread by saying opinions about Chiropractors, but hey… any port in a storm).
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Interesting, I'm in East TN. Wonder where I might locate one of these Chiros.
…The Billings one TCABM listed above isn't very close to BZN.
Like in Texas, a 2hr drive in Montana is right around the corner. But a quick google search for DOT physical Bozeman brought up

Their website advertises

Phone calls are free to confirm the type of FAA medical provided. The google also indicates there’s up to a dozen or more providers in Bozeman performing DOT physicals; those folks are usually willing to make a quick dollar and tend to be much more open BasicMed than most AMEs are.
Interesting, I'm in East TN. Wonder where I might locate one of these Chiros.

“Dr. Michael Tigges“
Gallatin, Tennessee (nearest airport: XNX)

I have a somewhat complex situation, and he took the time to talk me though it, told me what I needed to do to get my paperwork in order (I‘ve only talked to him, this was “getting my ducks in a row” well before it was time for my CMEC).
So, seems to be a good resource and well knowledgeable about BasicMed.
“Dr. Michael Tigges“
Gallatin, Tennessee (nearest airport: XNX)

I have a somewhat complex situation, and he took the time to talk me though it, told me what I needed to do to get my paperwork in order (I‘ve only talked to him, this was “getting my ducks in a row” well before it was time for my CMEC).
So, seems to be a good resource and well knowledgeable about BasicMed.
A search found him, but he's around 5 hours from me... Perhaps one in my area would be willing. I see TN approves of it. Thanks.
When I talked to my personal physician, I took him the form during one of my annuals. He looked it over, and said it was just like he signs off for truckers, so he said no problems. Said everything on the form is basically what he covers during the normal annual exams.
When I talked to my personal physician, I took him the form during one of my annuals. He looked it over, and said it was just like he signs off for truckers, so he said no problems. Said everything on the form is basically what he covers during the normal annual exams.

This is what I do as well. The first time I used my personal physician we walked through it in more depth so he was comfortable with what he was getting into.

I personally feel way more comfortable with my personal physician, who knows me and is treating me for why I’m not on a regular medical.

Worth a shot if they will take a peak, and it never hurts to ask.

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Anyone know physicians doing basic med in and around Bozeman, Montana.


Your regular physician can do them, if you have one.

The doc at Bozeman Creek Family Health (screen shot above) is an AME so if you sign up with her, she'll likely want to do a MedExpress on you unless you are explicit.

When I jumped to Basic Med in Jan, I googled "DOT Physicals" and picked one. Doc I went with is a state-licensed physician and took some explaining what "basic med" meant but he had no issues signing off after an exam. He even asked something like "what do they expect me to do with a digital rectal exam? That seems a bit much."

Message me if you'd like specifics.

Yes, I live in Bozeman.
When I talked to my personal physician, I took him the form during one of my annuals. He looked it over, and said it was just like he signs off for truckers, so he said no problems. Said everything on the form is basically what he covers during the normal annual exams.

Same here. I get a complete annual physical and he signs off my Basic Med every other year, along with my SCCA Comp license paperwork
My Basic Med experience from last week, for what it's worth:

My PCP is very anti-government and lawsuit averse, and would not touch Basic Med with a 10 foot pole.

Turns out the Urgent Care clinic a short walk from my house was wiling to perform the physical. They were unfamiliar with Basic Med and were a little surprised when I handed over a sheaf of paperwork, and they asked for a day or two to look it over. We made an appointment for a few days in the future and when I came back, they were ready to go, and happy to perform the physical and sign the paperwork.

I was in and out in 20 minutes. 30, if you count the 10 min I spent the first visit explaining what I wanted and introducing them to the paperwork. Pretty inexpensive for a doc visit, too.
Your regular physician can do them, if you have one.

The doc at Bozeman Creek Family Health (screen shot above) is an AME so if you sign up with her, she'll likely want to do a MedExpress on you unless you are explicit.

When I jumped to Basic Med in Jan, I googled "DOT Physicals" and picked one. Doc I went with is a state-licensed physician and took some explaining what "basic med" meant but he had no issues signing off after an exam. He even asked something like "what do they expect me to do with a digital rectal exam? That seems a bit much."

Message me if you'd like specifics.

Yes, I live in Bozeman.

Your regular physician can do them, if you have one.

The doc at Bozeman Creek Family Health (screen shot above) is an AME so if you sign up with her, she'll likely want to do a MedExpress on you unless you are explicit.

When I jumped to Basic Med in Jan, I googled "DOT Physicals" and picked one. Doc I went with is a state-licensed physician and took some explaining what "basic med" meant but he had no issues signing off after an exam. He even asked something like "what do they expect me to do with a digital rectal exam? That seems a bit much."

Message me if you'd like specifics.

Yes, I live in Bozeman.
All primes. Can you message me? I get an error when trying to message you. Was wanting to know what clinic/dr you used in Bozeman for basicmed
Was able to talk my PCP into doing it. Told him none of it gets mailed to the FAA. He was hesitant but did it. Did try a couple Dr's first that did CDL physicals they wanted nothing to do with FAA. Really don't understand because a loaded dump truck could do a lot of damage. Either they are scared of the gov or don't understand.
My primary care doc perked his ears up when I told him he could do it, passed the info on to him, not sure if he followed through though.

I used one in Greeley Colorado before I told my pcp.
My primary care doc perked his ears up when I told him he could do it, passed the info on to him, not sure if he followed through though.

I used one in Greeley Colorado before I told my pcp.
My PCP ('burb of Denver) has about a dozen BasicMed patients.
Posted this before but it bears repeating: My doc has been signing off on Basic Med since it came out, last time time told him, “You know, doc, the only reason I bother getting a physical is to get you to sign me off for flying.” (63 yo and in perfect health, stats all in spec and take no meds). He said, “I used to work the coalfields (we live in Wv) and thats what all the men told me, to sign off their DOT physicals first the coal trucks.”
I think BM is a litmus test for physicians—are they invested in you as a human being or are they a tool of the insurance companies?
My primary care doc perked his ears up when I told him he could do it, passed the info on to him, not sure if he followed through though.

I used one in Greeley Colorado before I told my pcp.
I showed the form to my PCP, and he said he wouldn't have a problem doing the exam, but wouldn't feel comfortable signing the attestation.
I showed the form to my PCP, and he said he wouldn't have a problem doing the exam, but wouldn't feel comfortable signing the attestation.

Weird. I was my Doc’s first BasicMed ask and issuance. He now advertises doing BasicMed exams.