Bad place to have a wreck - North Fox Island (6y3)...

78DFB433-2366-4578-83D9-01CF8B0CEDDB.jpeg I just flew by the other day, here’s my picture of the better runway on S. Fox Island(private). Seems like even with the light traffic, ‘see and avoid’ came up short.

Doesn’t sound easy getting the planes out for repair. At least no fatalities.
As far as removal goes take wings off and barge to mainland or hire a helo to sling it out. At least that's how they do it in SE AK. Sad, glad there were no fatalities.
Someone wasn’t paying attention.
I've got more details on this, but I am not at liberty to divulge the information at this time.
Short version: Aircraft landing hits aircraft on the ground - rescued by coast guard - injured but minor.

Should have had ADS-B.

Dunno how (if?) they are going to get the wreckage out of there.

Should have been paying more attention or done a better survey.

ADSB isn’t a replacement

Same problem in any backcountry strip.

Or towered strip
So here's the real story so far before everyone keeps guessing and making things up.
First of all I am the Airport Manager for N.Fox Island 6Y3 as many of you know.
I was at 6Y9 when I got a call from Leidos asking if I was aware of a midair collision on 6Y3. I issued the Notam to close.
This was late in the day of the accident. I was given the name of the 172 pilot and called him as he and his two teenage children were being discharged from the hospital. I then spoke with the FAA and they were arranging a ANG helicopter to get out to the island. I waited for fog to clear around Beaver Island and launched ,an hour later I was circling N.Fox assessing the wreckage location. With lots of litter ( metal) strewn on the runway I decided not to land. I was then contacted by the FAA and the ANG copter was a no go and they arranged for the Coast Guard helo to take us out the next day.
We were picked up by the C.G helo and were flown to 6Y3 ,2 FAA guys and myself . They did there investigation and after 4 hrs were returned to Beaver Island. I then spoke with an NTSB official about the incident. Reports are still be worked on. The 2 aircraft will be helo'd off probably Mon. Aug 6th and I will repair the runway and probably pull the NOTAM soon after.
Sorry gang details from this point are not to follow. The who did what, when and how are being looked at and as always take awhile.
The nose gear is interestingly dug in when you zoom in on it.
Actually the nose gear is not dug in. A main gear wheel and tire were sheared off and the other main and nose gear are fine.
The wheel and tire have not been found yet and are off in the woods/poison ivy somewhere.
Is that the creepy formerly used for pedophiles to hangout island?
So we at the RAF are trying to do good things provide great places to go, why does this past dirt have to be brought up. It just degrades all the progress and good experiences that have been created since we opened 6Y3. If you want real dirt go to Hollywood and Washington D.C. this is where the really dangerous snakes are.
One other interesting thing on the 172 : The ELT was armed and never went off. We tested it by flipping the switch manually, it then made it's irritating noise on my hand held. The aircraft is totaled but still did not set it off.
"The airline transport pilot and passenger on the Extra EA300 LC were uninjured and the airline transport pilot and two passengers on Cessna 172 received minor injuries."

Damn! And here I thought a DPE and a CFI being involved in the FL midair was a bit much. Just goes to show that no matter how good you are, and how many hours you have, and what piece of plastic you have in your wallet, you need to be on your game at all times. Be careful folks.
That just sounds like the two ATP's were "confident" the other would give way.
Thanks for clearing things up Brad (even though you ruined all the guessing and speculation). Glad no one was seriously injured or worse. Hope to get out there some day.
So we at the RAF are trying to do good things provide great places to go, why does this past dirt have to be brought up. It just degrades all the progress and good experiences that have been created since we opened 6Y3. If you want real dirt go to Hollywood and Washington D.C. this is where the really dangerous snakes are.

Easy there killer. I just asked if it was the same place. No doubt there’s plenty of sickos in all sorts of places. I don’t think it’ll keep any pilots from flying to Los Angeles, or the island.