Cleared for Takeoff
Here is a link to the website to read all about it:
This is a great GPS dongle. Very lightweight, small and not cumbersome at all. I purchased a new iPad 3 AT&T LTE version so I have no need for this unit anymore. I used this while flying all the time and it is very accurate, is quickly and easily found by satellites and is very reliable. Its 100 bucks plus shipping from their site, and on I will do 75 shipped as it is not that old and in perfect working order.
Here it is connected to my wifi iPad 2 with Foreflight opened and picking my location up.
This is a great GPS dongle. Very lightweight, small and not cumbersome at all. I purchased a new iPad 3 AT&T LTE version so I have no need for this unit anymore. I used this while flying all the time and it is very accurate, is quickly and easily found by satellites and is very reliable. Its 100 bucks plus shipping from their site, and on I will do 75 shipped as it is not that old and in perfect working order.
Here it is connected to my wifi iPad 2 with Foreflight opened and picking my location up.