Pattern Altitude
As a follow-up to my thread from yesterday:
Okay, after a night of retrospective navel gazing, good bourbon, and some time with the ACS and the AFH I'm ready to get back on the horse.
One of the big take-aways from my ride was my clunky coordination during the maneuvers. Did I perform most of the maneuvers up to ACS standards, well, some could argue, yes. I completed them within the +/- 10 heading, airspeed, and +/- 100 altitude. However, the DPE judged that my overall coordination of flight was not up to commercial standards. Right or wrong he still has a point. My coordination while adequate is clunky and reactionary rather than smooth and instinctive.
As most pilots are taught, I learned to step on the ball and to coordinate flight by use of the inclinometer. That ball starts to move, then step on it. Well, when doing maneuvers such as steep turns, rolling into the turn with the nose lagging on the horizon only to step on the ball causes the plane to yaw all over while the turn is stabilized. If not applied just right, the pilot will fight the horizon reference on the cowl as well as airspeed and bank. My application of rudder is a reaction to what the plane is doing rather than me innately placing the plane in the proper attitude to begin with. I get there and I stay coordinated but it's...clunky.
Same with lazy-8s particularly on the right side at the 90-degree point where turning tendancies and adverse yaw work against eachother so you need a lot of right rudder but your ailerons are slightly cross-controlled. Did I end up on heading, airspeed, and altitude and hit all my marks? Yes, but it wasn't as smooth as I can do it.
So, all this boils down to one question. Does anyone have advice on how to improve coordination of flight? I've got 300 hours and 4 years of flying under my belt and what I've been doing up till now won't work going forward. I need to somehow better ingrain the sense of coordination so it's more natural and less mechanical.
Thanks in advance PoA.
Okay, after a night of retrospective navel gazing, good bourbon, and some time with the ACS and the AFH I'm ready to get back on the horse.
One of the big take-aways from my ride was my clunky coordination during the maneuvers. Did I perform most of the maneuvers up to ACS standards, well, some could argue, yes. I completed them within the +/- 10 heading, airspeed, and +/- 100 altitude. However, the DPE judged that my overall coordination of flight was not up to commercial standards. Right or wrong he still has a point. My coordination while adequate is clunky and reactionary rather than smooth and instinctive.
As most pilots are taught, I learned to step on the ball and to coordinate flight by use of the inclinometer. That ball starts to move, then step on it. Well, when doing maneuvers such as steep turns, rolling into the turn with the nose lagging on the horizon only to step on the ball causes the plane to yaw all over while the turn is stabilized. If not applied just right, the pilot will fight the horizon reference on the cowl as well as airspeed and bank. My application of rudder is a reaction to what the plane is doing rather than me innately placing the plane in the proper attitude to begin with. I get there and I stay coordinated but it's...clunky.
Same with lazy-8s particularly on the right side at the 90-degree point where turning tendancies and adverse yaw work against eachother so you need a lot of right rudder but your ailerons are slightly cross-controlled. Did I end up on heading, airspeed, and altitude and hit all my marks? Yes, but it wasn't as smooth as I can do it.
So, all this boils down to one question. Does anyone have advice on how to improve coordination of flight? I've got 300 hours and 4 years of flying under my belt and what I've been doing up till now won't work going forward. I need to somehow better ingrain the sense of coordination so it's more natural and less mechanical.
Thanks in advance PoA.