Back in the Saddle


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 18, 2007
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I went flying today for the first time since Jan 31. My medical expired Jan 31 and I had scheduled the renewal visit, then found out that the FAA had changed what they wanted to see for low thyroid to a blood test within 90 days. So I scheduled that, got it done, passed my medical. Then I was diagnosed with Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD). No big deal, it's age related and resolves itself but while it's in progress a jolt to the head can tear the retina. (Have you seen me land? :) ) So I self grounded for 90 days.

But today, I went up with a club flight instructor to get "checked out" in a 172. I handled the whole flight, radio comms and all (as is proper). We tooks off, flew to the practice area of choice, did slow flight (that was actually different for me as I'm used to MCA). Flying at 55 KIAS doing gentle turns to a heading etc, felt like cheating. I started out flying at the stall horn beeping edge (~40 KIAS) doing all he asked and then he corrected me to "slow flight". Then power off stall and recovery. Then power on stalls. I over corrected right rudder and got just a small wing drop on the break. So he showed me one and then I did it perfectly. Then steep turns - ran through my own wake on that one. Then my engine "failed" mysteriously. Darned CFIs. ANyway, ran through the check list, set up for a nice big field, into the wind. And just as quickly my engine worked.

Then back to Sanford (KSFB) talking to Orlando Approach, then 5 landings and we're done. I need to be more focused on x-wind correction at the runway but otherwise, all good.

It feels nice. Now on to tailwheel...
How long did it take for the PVD to resolve itself? Mine started at the beginning of May and lasted most of the month. Pretty much gone now. I didn't feel it was necessary to ground myself.
Didn’t realize you’d been grounded. Glad you’re airworthy again! :cheerswine:

Any reason you’re not using Basic Med?
How long did it take for the PVD to resolve itself? Mine started at the beginning of May and lasted most of the month. Pretty much gone now. I didn't feel it was necessary to ground myself.
I didn't notice it anymore after about 2 months.
Didn’t realize you’d been grounded. Glad you’re airworthy again! :cheerswine:

Any reason you’re not using Basic Med?
My wife has asked me to stay on 3rd class for more peace of mind for her. I've got no issues with 3rd class so I do.

I passed my medical with no problem. I could even pass 2nd class if I needed one. The grounding was purely on the advice of the eye doctor and retina specialist to avoid jarring my head. (You haven't seen me land, but occasionally...). So Basic Med would have had no impact.