Baby Back Rib Burger


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 1, 2015
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Anybody have a verdict yet?

Oh my, I missed that. And I just came back from lunch.
Sometimes Carl's has some pretty good creations, and other times they totally blow it. If the 'rib' is anything like the McD's McRib sandwich they had for a while, it's worth chucking in to the garbage. I already got my burger on today, but tomorrow, I might just have to try it out.
Wait...boneless ribs?

Those pigs must need some extra calcium or something.
Naw. It's a new bread of swine. The folks who did the genetic work on the boneless chickens took this one a bar bet.
How much you wanna bet that the real thing doesn't look exactly like the picture?
And I'd be curious as to how much actual pork is in it.

They just closed the last Hardee's around here, so I guess I can't try it out.
The Midnight Moonshine and the Memphis BBQ burgers were AMAZING......... the fact they got rid of them makes me a sad panda.
The Midnight Moonshine and the Memphis BBQ burgers were AMAZING......... the fact they got rid of them makes me a sad panda.

I didn't like either. Sauce was too sweet. I did really like that one they had with A1 sauce and crumbled blue cheese.

Here's the deal. The wait was agonizing. It was the sixty-four thousand dollar question. Or the sixty-four dollar question. Or the eleven dollar and forty five cent question. Was my order going to come out right? The crew in the back sounded new. New is bad. They performed procreational unions on nearly every delivery, right and left. The old dude that ordered the fish got the chicken. The old dude that ordered the chicken got the other old dude's fish. Hey I don't blame them for that, those old dudes all look the same, right?


Yeah, I'm going to eat like I mean it. I mean it. That means either grabbing the sports section of the paper in the breakroom as a place mat, or cleverly formulating my own out of available stock. Pretty good huh. Now...


That is a topic in itself. You see, Carl's used to have two sizes of salad. An entree salad with chicken on it in a large round tub, and a small side salad in a small round tub. Now, they only have one size, in a medium sized square tub. The only difference between the side salad and the entree salad is one has meat on it and the other doesn't. But it's an awkward size. It's a bit too big to be a side salad, and it's too small to be an entree salad. I get why they do this, they only want to stock one size of salad containers plus the square ones are cheaper to ship as they maximize volumetric efficiency. It just doesn't really work all that well for the customer. But, whatever.



The 'heft' of the total package was, I won't say it was commanding but it wasn't disappointing either. Now... the first thing that struck me was that the pork baby back rib-thing was small. Agonizingly small. There is a reason why they didn't just offer a baby back rib sandwich, standalone. It would have taken a minimum of four of those things to pull it off. Maybe I got the short stick? Compare this picture with the one in the original post. I suspect I got the norm (no relation to the notable classic sitcom alcoholic) and not the deviation.

Now... to their credit - it was actually a genuine piece of rib. Actual pork meat. Not ground, shredded, processed and reformulated a la Mickey D's or the standard air show 'ribb' sandwiches. It's just, there was so little of it that it was kind of pointless. Can you taste it? You can. A little. But, the same weight in bacon would have gone much further, flavor wise. The other thing is it was drowned in some horrid sweet sauce that just didn't quite do it for me. It was tolerable but not really my thing. I think some kind of steak sauce might have added a better flavor combination. I love beef, I love ribs, but I can't really say the tastes are complementary when eaten together. Definitely not like the beef-bacon relationship.

The zinger... I like cheeseburgers. There is no cheese on this burger, in any form. Some pepperjack would have been nice. Maybe blue cheese crumbles. They do have a guacamole bacon burger that does not have cheese on it, and it works as the guacamole serves as a functional substitute and the overall taste is very good. I won't say the baby back rib sandwich was bad tasting, it was just... off a bit, and missing something. And that damned goo for sauce.

A note on the onion-thingies. Those are not onion rings, they are onion crisps, sort of like when the onions get to f'd up to make functional rings they turn them in to those. They aren't bad, the accompany the burger fine. Actual onion rings, aka the Bacon Western Cheeseburger, would have served just as well. Better, actually. Oh yeah, let's talk about that Bacon Western Cheeseburger, if they would have used the same sauce on the BBR burger, and not too much, it would have been FINE.

Let's do a cost analysis. A premium burger of the same type is roughly a dollar less than the BBR Burger. The way the math works out then, correspondingly is that the BBR Burger is dollar more than the premium burger of the same type. One can infer by deductive reasoning that you are paying approximately one dollar for the piece of rib. And, you are getting about one dollar's worth of rib. So, I can't say it's a bad value, even though the R to B ratio is saddeningly disproportionate.

They did at one time have a very similar promo burger, with what they claimed was brisket on it, and what was actually tasteless goo that might have had meat in it but you couldn't tell and there wasn't much of it. To be fair, the tiny piece of rib, was actually rib.

Bottom line, would I get it again? Maybe if it was a third of the price. Anyway you break it down, eight bucks and change for a fast food burger is pricey, period.

Now, THERE IS A HACK which you can use to get the price down a tad. I should have just done it in the first place but I needed a representative specimen for the review. You can get a double 1/4 pound, instead of 1/3 or 1/2 lb 'Thickburger' and it's cheaper than either. Arguably probably better too.

The old dudes were still bitching about eating the wrong fish vs. chicken sandwiches when I left.
View attachment 53290

Here's the deal. The wait was agonizing. It was the sixty-four thousand dollar question. Or the sixty-four dollar question. Or the eleven dollar and forty five cent question. Was my order going to come out right? The crew in the back sounded new. New is bad. They performed procreational unions on nearly every delivery, right and left. The old dude that ordered the fish got the chicken. The old dude that ordered the chicken got the other old dude's fish. Hey I don't blame them for that, those old dudes all look the same, right?

View attachment 53291

Yeah, I'm going to eat like I mean it. I mean it. That means either grabbing the sports section of the paper in the breakroom as a place mat, or cleverly formulating my own out of available stock. Pretty good huh. Now...


That is a topic in itself. You see, Carl's used to have two sizes of salad. An entree salad with chicken on it in a large round tub, and a small side salad in a small round tub. Now, they only have one size, in a medium sized square tub. The only difference between the side salad and the entree salad is one has meat on it and the other doesn't. But it's an awkward size. It's a bit too big to be a side salad, and it's too small to be an entree salad. I get why they do this, they only want to stock one size of salad containers plus the square ones are cheaper to ship as they maximize volumetric efficiency. It just doesn't really work all that well for the customer. But, whatever.


View attachment 53293

The 'heft' of the total package was, I won't say it was commanding but it wasn't disappointing either. Now... the first thing that struck me was that the pork baby back rib-thing was small. Agonizingly small. There is a reason why they didn't just offer a baby back rib sandwich, standalone. It would have taken a minimum of four of those things to pull it off. Maybe I got the short stick? Compare this picture with the one in the original post. I suspect I got the norm (no relation to the notable classic sitcom alcoholic) and not the deviation.

Now... to their credit - it was actually a genuine piece of rib. Actual pork meat. Not ground, shredded, processed and reformulated a la Mickey D's or the standard air show 'ribb' sandwiches. It's just, there was so little of it that it was kind of pointless. Can you taste it? You can. A little. But, the same weight in bacon would have gone much further, flavor wise. The other thing is it was drowned in some horrid sweet sauce that just didn't quite do it for me. It was tolerable but not really my thing. I think some kind of steak sauce might have added a better flavor combination. I love beef, I love ribs, but I can't really say the tastes are complementary when eaten together. Definitely not like the beef-bacon relationship.

The zinger... I like cheeseburgers. There is no cheese on this burger, in any form. Some pepperjack would have been nice. Maybe blue cheese crumbles. They do have a guacamole bacon burger that does not have cheese on it, and it works as the guacamole serves as a functional substitute and the overall taste is very good. I won't say the baby back rib sandwich was bad tasting, it was just... off a bit, and missing something. And that damned goo for sauce.

A note on the onion-thingies. Those are not onion rings, they are onion crisps, sort of like when the onions get to f'd up to make functional rings they turn them in to those. They aren't bad, the accompany the burger fine. Actual onion rings, aka the Bacon Western Cheeseburger, would have served just as well. Better, actually. Oh yeah, let's talk about that Bacon Western Cheeseburger, if they would have used the same sauce on the BBR burger, and not too much, it would have been FINE.

Let's do a cost analysis. A premium burger of the same type is roughly a dollar less than the BBR Burger. The way the math works out then, correspondingly is that the BBR Burger is dollar more than the premium burger of the same type. One can infer by deductive reasoning that you are paying approximately one dollar for the piece of rib. And, you are getting about one dollar's worth of rib. So, I can't say it's a bad value, even though the R to B ratio is saddeningly disproportionate.

They did at one time have a very similar promo burger, with what they claimed was brisket on it, and what was actually tasteless goo that might have had meat in it but you couldn't tell and there wasn't much of it. To be fair, the tiny piece of rib, was actually rib.

Bottom line, would I get it again? Maybe if it was a third of the price. Anyway you break it down, eight bucks and change for a fast food burger is pricey, period.

Now, THERE IS A HACK which you can use to get the price down a tad. I should have just done it in the first place but I needed a representative specimen for the review. You can get a double 1/4 pound, instead of 1/3 or 1/2 lb 'Thickburger' and it's cheaper than either. Arguably probably better too.

The old dudes were still bitching about eating the wrong fish vs. chicken sandwiches when I left.
No latinas or asianas were present in this review. Future review funding is on hold until further notice.
No latinas or asianas were present in this review. Future review funding is on hold until further notice.

You're going to have to take that up with management. The latin-o took my order and the pockmarked white chick delivered it.
Now that @asicer has bonked his head and contemplating a Cirrus, he might just want to try that baby back rib burger.
You're going to have to take that up with management. The latin-o took my order and the pockmarked white chick delivered it.
So you are blaming management for your inability to prevaricate in order to enhance the quality of the review without changing it's content? What do you think we pay you for anyway?
So you are blaming management for your inability to prevaricate in order to enhance the quality of the review without changing it's content? What do you think we pay you for anyway?
Clark used a 50 cent word! I had to Google it! LOL
Clark used a 50 cent word! I had to Google it! LOL

As did I. I think I'm going to start using that word in normal conversation. "She dresses in a prevaricating manner." (In other words, you can't see s**t.)
Now that @asicer has bonked his head and contemplating a Cirrus, he might just want to try that baby back rib burger.
Actually, I think I might. Next week. But I know better than to post a review about here. If Clapton drops in on your campfire with a song, best just to put the guitar down after he passes it to you. Maybe if your name is Satriani, but mine isn't.