Babbitt + DUI

I don't drink, I don't like drunks, and I especially don't like people who feed at the public trough. I do however, question our delight in persecuting and condemning someone who was simply doing what most everyone has done at one time or another in the course of their lives.

Why should a persons entire career be destroyed over one simple act of being human? So, for one night his judgment was impaired and he made a wrong choice, is that really cause to destroy an otherwise good man?

Sure, fine the heck out of him, make him attend a few classes, I agree, he should pay a penalty,but I do not agree that penalty should destroy his life, nor his career.

If he has done it before, or does it again, all bets are off.


Now with the success of the HIMS Program lives don't have to be destroyed. He simply needs to check himself into a $100,000 facility, sell his house, possibly lose his wife and kids, join a cult, submit to psychiatric coercion, move into his parents basement to pay off the costs working at the nearby Wal-Mart, sell a kidney, give up flying and come to terms with his mental sickness.

HE can have his career back, just as long as he knows he is sick mentally. The HIMS Program is here to help Mr. Babbitt get his life back, he will be so grateful for the HIMS program once he realizes what a sick person he is with no self control over his own behavior.

This will be one of the toughest cases to force through the HIMS program. But we are ready to get him the help he so desperately needs and even save his career.

(I think we have gotten to the point that goodwins law applies)

(I think we have gotten to the point that goodwins law applies)

I am not trolling. My life was destroyed by the belief systems that the HIMS program is based on.

What I found out is that there will be no criticism of the status quo. Anyone who criticizes the program is attacked as 'dry drunk' in 'denial'

I come from a line of real doctors and real scientists. I have a low tolerance for politics masquerading as science.

Without criticism, what you got might be politics. It might even be religion. But it's NOT SCIENCE.
I come from a line of real doctors and real scientists. I have a low tolerance for politics masquerading as science.
So Dr. Bruce isn't a real doctor? There are real scientists on this forum too. That's a really good way to state your case- by insulting them while bringing in NAZIs and no literature references to back up what you are saying.
So Dr. Bruce isn't a real doctor? There are real scientists on this forum too. That's a really good way to state your case- by insulting them while bringing in NAZIs and no literature references to back up what you are saying.

Medical Schools use the Nazi's as an example to teach students the dangers of the misuse of Psychiatry. This is not a baseless claim, it is actually common knowledge in the medical community, the Nazi's misused psychiatry to kill people.

My argument is not against Psychiatry, I am arguing the HIMS Program is misusing Psychiatry in a similar fashion for political purposes. Lot's of people without any problems are having their lives destroyed. The things they say are rational, but to the program they are in 'denial'. It's a great catch all to eliminate any criticism.
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Godwin's law does apply here. I am not feeding this troll any longer. See other string.

Have some, Bruce:



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He had no choice but to resign. I hope he gets the same treatment in court that you or I would.

Seems like a 'yes vote' for both of your statements:

Drunk driving charges dismissed against former FAA chief Randy Babbitt

By Justin Jouvenal, Updated: Thursday, May 10, 3:04 PM

Drunk driving charges were dismissed Thursday against former FAA chief J. Randolph Babbitt after a judge ruled that a Fairfax City police officer pulled him over without good reason in December.
It was a dramatic end for a case that led to the resignation of the nation’s top aviation official after a distinguished career in Washington and 25 years as a pilot with Eastern Airlines.
Fairfax City General District Court Judge Ian O’Flaherty ended the trial soon after it began, saying the officer had pulled Babbitt over on a “mere hunch” after video of the traffic stop was played in court.
The video showed Babbitt making a routine left-hand turn into a Fairfax City business complex from the southbound lane of Old Lee Highway. In the process, Babbitt crossed double yellow lines and a northbound lane, but did not drive on the wrong side of the road as Fairfax City Officer Mike Morris alleged in his criminal complaint.
Defense Attorney Peter Greenspun also said that the first breath test given to Babbitt showed he had a blood alcohol level of .07, below Virginia’s legal limit of .08. A prosecutor said later tests showed he exceeded the legal limit, but the case was dismissed before the evidence could be presented.
“I’m happy to have it behind me,” Babbitt said afterward. “Candidly, it’s been a tough time.”
In his opening statement, Greenspun said Babbitt was attending a dinner party in Fairfax City the night of Dec. 3. Babbitt had two and a half to three glasses of wine between 6:30 p.m. and 10 p.m., Greenspun said. In all, the seven guests drank less than three bottles of wine, and there were no signs that Babbitt was impaired, Greenspun said.
Babbitt, 65, a Reston resident, left the party and turned on his GPS to navigate home, but was headed the wrong way when he made the left turn on Old Lee Highway. Morris pulled him over after he turned into the driveway of the business complex about 10:30 p.m., the officer testified.
After the arrest, Babbitt, who was appointed by President Obama in 2009, was placed on administrative leave. Days later he resigned.
In a written statement after his resignation, Babbitt said his work as FAA administrator was an “absolute honor” and said he was “unwilling to let anything cast a shadow on the outstanding work done . . . by my colleagues.”
Babbitt said Thursday that he was not sorry he had resigned and said he had no ill will against the officer who had arrested him. Babbitt said he planned to work in aviation consulting.
“There was no criminal activity from start to finish,” Greenspun said after the trial. “Tragically for Mr. Babbitt, [the case] became very public.”
Oh, it was .07, so everything is well. At .08 things would have been completely different :mad2: .

(over in the district, he would ave been sol, any detectable level can lead to a DUI)
Oh, it was .07, so everything is well. At .08 things would have been completely different :mad2: .

(over in the district, he would ave been sol, any detectable level can lead to a DUI)

Doubt it. Physiologically inactive levels can be detected.
Seems like a 'yes vote' for both of your statements:

Drunk driving charges dismissed against former FAA chief Randy Babbitt

By Justin Jouvenal, Updated: Thursday, May 10, 3:04 PM

. In the process, Babbitt crossed double yellow lines and a northbound lane,


That is probable cause for the police officer to pull Babbit over.. If that had been any one of us, the outcome would be a way different then a Dismissed case........ The fix was in to protect him from the git go...

Equal justice ?? My A$$..:nonod:
Oh, it was .07, so everything is well. At .08 things would have been completely different :mad2: .

(over in the district, he would ave been sol, any detectable level can lead to a DUI)

.08 "It's the law", as they say. Gotta draw a line somewhere, anarchist.

That is probable cause for the police officer to pull Babbit over.. If that had been any one of us, the outcome would be a way different then a Dismissed case........ The fix was in to protect him from the git go...

Equal justice ?? My A$$..:nonod:

Maybe I took Geometry twice in high school, and maybe Dead Reckoning is a dying art, but can you explain to me how to make a 'routine left hand turn' from a southbound lane to an office complex to one's east without crossing the roadway markings and a northbound lane at some point? :confused:
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Maybe I took Geometry twice in high school, and maybe Dead Reckoning is a dying art, but can you explain to me how to make a 'routine left hand turn' from a southbound lane to an office complex to one's east without crossing the roadway markings and a northbound lane at some point? :confused:

I agree - the act of making the turn in itself doesn't sound suspicious. Now, having said that, if the turn was weave-y or otherwise showed impairment it might be.

And, god forbid, if the turn was uncoordinated, he could have entered a spin!.
.08 "It's the law", as they say. Gotta draw a line somewhere, anarchist.

Maybe I took Geometry twice in high school, and maybe Dead Reckoning is a dying art, but can you explain to me how to make a 'routine left hand turn' from a southbound lane to an office complex to one's east without crossing the roadway markings and a northbound lane at some point? :confused:

I envisioned the turn as' he missed a properly marked intersection and turned either early or late and drove over double yellow centerline..:dunno:.

Most intersections into a office park , or any other turn off has the centerline interupted to show where to turn in.... IMHO...
Most intersections into a office park , or any other turn off has the centerline interupted to show where to turn in.... IMHO...

Not in this neck of the woods. Breaks in the double yellow are at intersections with streets, not driveways.
Not in this neck of the woods. Breaks in the double yellow are at intersections with streets, not driveways.

Same thing out here too..... For some reason I figuered it was a well developed "routine left-hand turn into a Fairfax City business complex" route....
Oh, it was .07, so everything is well. At .08 things would have been completely different :mad2: .

(over in the district, he would ave been sol, any detectable level can lead to a DUI)

The video is what got him off. He did have a very good lawyer.

You do know the District stopped doing breath tests completly almost a year ago.....
Aeromedically they will compare his 0.07 to his described performance to determine if he has tolerance. It's ain't over yet.
You do know the District stopped doing breath tests completly almost a year ago.....

Yup, so now they arrest just based on their field assessment. At booking they have them pee in a bottle and people stay locked up for 26hrs until they get before the magistrate. Great improvement.....
Yup, so now they arrest just based on their field assessment. At booking they have them pee in a bottle and people stay locked up for 26hrs until they get before the magistrate. Great improvement.....

The Police State cometh.
The video is what got him off. He did have a very good lawyer.

You do know the District stopped doing breath tests completly almost a year ago.....

Talked to Randy last night (didn't bring up the DUI). He did have a glass of wine at his seat, but that may have been poured indiscriminately by the caterers.
Video in question up on AvWeb.

I was under the impression any field breathalyzer was inadmissable, that the only one that counts is on the certified machine.

I dunno.....if ever I get in a jam, I want his lawyer.
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Yup, so now they arrest just based on their field assessment. At booking they have them pee in a bottle and people stay locked up for 26hrs until they get before the magistrate. Great improvement.....

Local prominent lawyer's wife was arrested for DUI. They got her to the station and she blew a 0.00. They still locked her up and she had to go before a magistrate. It was a huge mess.
Video in question up on AvWeb.

I was under the impression any field breathalyzer was inadmissable, that the only one that counts is on the certified machine.

I dunno.....if ever I get in a jam, I want his lawyer.

If the handheld unit is properly calibrated and the officers training certificate to administer breathalyzer tests is current and and and...... the handheld breathalyzer used in the field is admissible in many states. The DC goverment and police department is run by a bunch of morons and they had messed up the calibration part. As a result, 2 years worth of DUI convictions had to be reversed and people are suing the city left and right.

With 'field assessment' I meant a field sobriety test, a notoriously unreliable and slanted tool.
You are tired--> fail,
you are nervous --> fail,
you are a habitual drunk --> pass.