Aviation License Plates

I live in the same town as ZDV, and have seen another one around that says something like "SQWK VFR". Will try to get a photo if I see it again...
Vfrrequest jpg.jpeg
Well, since I’m not allowed to tell people my (aviation work related) nickname at work, I suppose I shouldn’t get ASSASSIN on my license plate. :mad3:

Although the shortened version that has been suggested might work.:idea:
My plates read N1RN. This is my ham radio callsign. I had it on reserve as an N number for a while but I realized I'd never get around to using it. It's on some glider now.

Whoa! My Piet is N2RN. Always wondered why he didn’t have N1… now I know.

Was built and registered by Richard Navratil… small world,

de N0KKJ