Austin Part 61 Instructors


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 7, 2024
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Hi everyone, I'm looking for a part 61 instructor based out of Austin (within 30 minutes of the city) to start my instrument rating training. I prefer the part 61 since I have a full-time job and fly on the side. Does anyone know of anyone or have any suggestions for where I can find part 61 instructors in this area?
Ask around the airport, put a note on the bulletin board, check Facebook for a local group to ask.
I'll have to assume that you may mean Austin TX and not Austin MN?
If you mean Austin, TX, there’s pt 61 outfits at GTU, AUS, HYI, and I *think* at EDC. There’s also Taylor, Lakeway, a couple of airports that might he within 30mins of Austin.

Just be aware that even though Austin is fairly compact, it can take an hour or more to get across town.
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a part 61 instructor based out of Austin (within 30 minutes of the city) to start my instrument rating training. I prefer the part 61 since I have a full-time job and fly on the side. Does anyone know of anyone or have any suggestions for where I can find part 61 instructors in this area?
One of the biggest misconceptions of 141 schools is they don’t do Part 61 training. Many do.

Also there are Part 141 schools that offer evening/weekend ground and flight training options Part 141.
One of the biggest misconceptions of 141 schools is they don’t do Part 61 training. Many do.

Also there are Part 141 schools that offer evening/weekend ground and flight training options Part 141.

Absolutely. I used to teach at one. You could basically sign up for one of three options:
- Everyday, Part 141
- Part 141 program but on your schedule (nights/weekends)
- Part 61 on your schedule

It didn't matter, we used the same syllabus for any of them.