Attention D/FW based pilots! Convective Weather Seminar, Monday June 17, KDTO


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
All Dallas/Fort Worth pilots are invited to the June meeting of the Metro Flyers Club. The meeting will take place starting at 7:00pm, and is held at the KDTO terminal.

Metro Flyers is pleased to provide a Webinar about Texas Summer weather and how to minimize our exposure to convective turbulence taught by Scott Dennstaedt of This is important information that we all need to know or brush up on. In this workshop you will learn about some of the best convective weather tools available that have a superior spatial and temporal resolution than you can get through Flight Service or DUATS.

Attached is a flyer in PDF format.

I hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you there!!

Please pass the word to other pilots!!

PS. If you're flying in, ask to park in the transient ramp just under the Tower, and Business Air will take good care of you.


  • ScottD - June17-Webinar.pdf
    620.8 KB · Views: 4
Thursday Morning Bump...
Thursday Evening bump

FYI; I will be out working the Denton Air Show Saturday. IF you are there, come by the table and say howdy. Look for our spot between a white Bonanza V-tail and a maroon/white C182.
Saturday evening bump...
Monday Morning bump...

If you are attending, let me know so I can look for you.
Monday Morning bump...

If you are attending, let me know so I can look for you.

"Can I get... A fist bump!!!"

I wish I could go it sounds really interesting. Plus I think it costs a few dollars to watch his stuff on his website. :D
looks like a great day for weather in Texas . ..
It's always a great day for weather in Texas...

We got lucky for the AirShow. TStorms predicted, but what really happened was a stratus layer at about 5000 ft and a 15kt wind. A big help in keeping the temps comfortable. I would say we had a better than expected crowd because it wasn't blast furnace hot.