I only had to pay 300. Still haven't figured out how he got the video through the piece of tape I have over the camera.
Howdy. Perhaps you have read something information regarding the RAT trojan 19400? Well done, you've now has become a happy holder of my very own model of that virus. I've succeeded to discover numerous fascinating stuff on your personal computer and I've also had the opportunity to connect to all ur systems, including a cell phone. Yet they are all are very little things as opposed to the following. I forced my malware to capture a microphone, a web cam, as well as the image on the display, you know I've created several fascinating videos. I do believe some movies will certainly even be useful for you
The best aspect is that my software saved is a second you pay a visit to one of many porn web sites. I haveinvested two hours of my precious time to mix 2 video clips, one in which is an image on the screen and another image of the actual webcam. It had been quite funny!
Ok, lets get straight to the issue. I recommend you pay out 300 dollars to this account-
I only use BTC. If you might have difficulty paying outjust use any search box.
Just after obtaining the funds. We will both equally ignore this uncomfortable moment and remove all the info We have collected from your gadgets.
You now have exactly 5 days. If I will not receive my cash, I am going to send out all of the information to contacts I located on ur equipment! Maybe I'll do it with your social accounts . It is going to be funny if all your cherished ones obtain a footage of this sort.
I offer you a small amount of time because my wallets frequently get blocked and you will need to deliver before that. Of course, you're not the only individual receiving a letter of this type, I have contaminated a 10000 individuals and more than 1500 of them ended up with fascinating stuff.
You can call authorities, believe its pointless, the most severe thing they are able to do is lock my wallet. So do not do silly things.
If I won't obtain my funds for any cause, such as the inability to deliver them to a locked account wallet, your reputation will be destroyed. Therefore move!
I take good care of my very own anonymity and use the temporary address to send out messages, additionally I'm on-line via my working laptopand i only with fake Wi-Fi from various companies apart from i use Double-VPN. Thus, contacting me and giving answers to to this letter doesn't make any good sense.