ASDI service from FAA


Pre-takeoff checklist
Dec 19, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
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Does anyone know much about this? I'm assuming this is the service most of the Fightradar24s, and FlightAwares of the world are using. Does it just do planes with filed flight plans, or do those getting flight following also get in the system?
I have tracked myself using ff, and not been able to until a day later in an ifr. So it depends. On the fr24 forum someone posted a good explanation about how the controllers entering the information changes the way it lets you track aircraft.

Or they are ads-b and nearly realtime.
If you get a global code, you will show up in ASDI. In the ASDI feed, we get all kinds of data... when you file, when you're cleared, when routes are amended, position data, and so on.
If you get a global code, you will show up in ASDI. In the ASDI feed, we get all kinds of data... when you file, when you're cleared, when routes are amended, position data, and so on.

Global code as in non terminal ?

I know around here if they give you a 0XXX code your not going to show up. It's hit or miss other times with FF. One of the local controllers told me that it depends if the guy keyed me into the system or not.
Global code as in non terminal ?

I know around here if they give you a 0XXX code your not going to show up. It's hit or miss other times with FF. One of the local controllers told me that it depends if the guy keyed me into the system or not.

I went out to write POA in the sky a few months ago... I specifically asked for any code other then a 0xxx one... Departure gave me 4122.... Off I went,,,, Damn track didn't show up on flightaware...:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad::mad:...

I need to try it again...... Maybe ask for a 6xxx code???
Beacon codes are issued in accordance with 7110.66D, the National Beacon Code Allocation Plan.

Basically, there are only so many beacon codes so facilities are assigned a code block to issue from. If you're staying in a TRACONs airspace, you will be given one of their code block codes, but if you're leaving the TRACON and entering a ARTCC, then the TRACON will (through the computer) request a code from the center. At that point the TRACON gies you the center issued code. 7110.65 5-2-2(a)(1) for anyone interested.

This is important because only once an ARTCC receives a flight plan and begins tracking on it's assigned code does the positional information enter HADDS (the HOST Automated Data Distribution System) or ERAM (Enroute Automation Modernization), depending on facility (most are ERAM now...maybe all but Alaska). Once it's in the ARTCC HADDS/ERAM, it is sent to NADIN (National Airspace Data Interchange Network), which feeds ASDI.

Long story short, get on with the center.
Global code as in non terminal ?

I know around here if they give you a 0XXX code your not going to show up. It's hit or miss other times with FF. One of the local controllers told me that it depends if the guy keyed me into the system or not.
A center issued code.