Apr 14 - Chester County PA Lunch


Apr 8, 2005
Weather's looking great -- how's about lunch at noon at the Flying Machine at Chester County PA (KMQS)?
It's a long flight, but since my ride just got out of annual, may need to stretch its legs. :)

I have a few extra seats too.
Dangit...I signed up to work a double tomorrow, otherwise I'd make it. Weather looks like it could go downhill, is there gonna be a rain date?
Bryon walked right past me while I was on the phone talking to Adam about why he and Anthony weren't here -- dead battery. Now seated with Bryon.

Yeah file that in the category Stuff happens in GA. Anthony flew to Wings I met him got in the plane to head to meet Ron. Called clear prop and clunk half turn of the prop only. Tried it twice more and no juice. Pulled out the battery put it on the charger for almost 1.5 and only had just enough juice to get one crank out of it. So at about 2:10 Anthony launched back to N47 no flying but had an afternoon talking about it and Anthony was kind enough to treat me to lunch. Ces't la vie that is GA. Time for a new Battery my friend.
Sorry Ron, didn't recognize you. Had a good lunch, though, thanks.

Better luck next time Anthony and Adam. Guess we could have come picked you up.
Yeah, sorry Ron, Bryon, and Adam. Concorde here I come!

Big thanks to Adam for having the "juice" to get my battery charged to get home. Sorry we couldn't make it to see Ron and Bryon. :(

And a BIG THANKS to Gary Shelby for the back-up ride that I thankfully didn't need.

Great friends here guys.
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Big thanks to Adam for having the "juice" to get my battery charged to get home.

For whatever reason, you and electricity really don't mix well. :dunno: Sorta sounds like deja vue all over again. Is that the same battery we spoke of a few months ago??

For whatever reason, you and electricity really don't mix well. :dunno: Sorta sounds like deja vue all over again. Is that the same battery we spoke of a few months ago??


Yes. However, I believe this one is my fault. I have a fuse that is connected to the electric clock in the plane. If I forget to pull it, and don't fly for a while, the battery will run down. I let it run down (as we talked the last time) and I guess it is now having trouble holding a charge. However, as I did fly the plane before its Annual Inspection and then too AND from the maintenance shop, it seemed to check out fine. When I went to start it yesterday, it only had two starts in it. I need to also call my mech and ask how they tested the battery for the Annual.

I charged the battery last night, and will see if I can get it bench tested under load locally like you suggested. Thanks for the tips.

Been pricing the Concorde RG-25XC which seems like the best one for my Tiger.
Those mechanical clocks pull more current than electronic ones but... compare that current to the size of the typical starting battery and it's supposed to take a loooong time to draw it down enough that you can't get a start out of it.

Unless you hadn't flown it in over a month, I'm sorry to say this buddy, but I think your battery is toast. Sulfated. Unhappy. Not going to hold up long if the Alternator were to fail. Etc.

"It is ... a deceased Parrot!" ;)

Probably want to pull it and bench charge it with a de-sulphating charger and have the specific gravity of the acid checked if it not sealed.

Good time to give the whole system a good once-over for loose cables, corrosion, and what not while you're in there swapping it. :)
Good time to give the whole system a good once-over for loose cables, corrosion, and what not while you're in there swapping it. :)

The plane came out of its Annual Inspection a few days ago. So, all that was done. The charging system is showing 13.4 volts to the battery. You're right though it is the battery, and I will verify its condition tomorrow, and probably replace with a Concorde.
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We just replaced the battery in our 182 and it sure is nice to see that prop spin so fast when starting. Not happy about the 250.00 but well worth it I think.
Just saw this now. I flew to MQS for dinner the other night for the first time. I'll keep a better eye out on here!