AOPA Summit Lunch - Saturday


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
For those that can make it, I am organizing a lunch gathering on Saturday during AOPA summit. With so much going on, finding one another during the education sessions or in crowds of the exhibit hall might be a real challenge. So come join me and others for some food, a beer, and hopefully some good times.

What: Saturday Lunch @ AOPA Summit
When: Saturday, 1200-1215 to whenever
Where: "The Red Wasp", 808 Main Street (2 blocks NW of the Center)
Info: Web Page -- Yelp Link -- Google Maps Link

I have called ahead and said 10-12 of us will be there, and that more might drop in. Anyone is welcome, including folks whom you just met. Host on duty should be Jason. Ask for the "AggieMike" group.

I found a better place for our Lunch... Embargo.

We ate lunch there and food is much better and less expensive than Red Wasp and the space available is better for us. The sandwich I had was very yummy!

Yelp Link:

I hope to see some of you guys there!!!
I wish I had seen this thread sooner. I am going to the static display at the airport first thing Saturday morning, if I can get to the luncheon time I will. Thank you for setting this up.
We're planning to come, but I have a 1:00 ASN meeting. Leslie may be able to stay longer.
Mike you might want to verify that the embargo will be open, the yelp page says it is closed Saturday for lunch.

I went by there just now it's in a used redbrick fortress like building it's one door kind of hidden so it looks like an interesting place hopefully they're open.
Crud.... you're correct... they are only open for the evening crowd.

To bad... food and atmosphere were great....

Okay folks -- We are back to The Red Wasp.....
Okay, Red Wasp. I'm in a blue AOPA airport support network shirt, Leslie is in a black and white striped shirt.g
Mike, thanks for setting this up, and hope you can make it to Hard Eight before we leave this evening! Jim, it was great meeting both you and Mike!