Keith Lane
Pattern Altitude
For you guys flying the heavies? Have you heard any stories that support these claims?
I had heard from a friend who flies 757/67s for AA that they are also encouraged to fill up at certain places where the fuel is cheap especially if going somewhere where fuel is more expensive. speaking with him I do not think they are check AirNav but working with the dispatchers.At United Air Lines, the pilots are never questioned when they want to add fuel, for whatever reason.
Having said that, we DO carry less fuel than we used to. It had been determined that we had been carrying more fuel than necessary, thereby costing more than needed. All in all, it was a good thing.
I think Air Jamaica practices this (unofficially) on their "non-stop" flights.I had heard from a friend who flies 757/67s for AA that they are also encouraged to fill up at certain places where the fuel is cheap especially if going somewhere where fuel is more expensive.
Anytime a pilot wanted more, they would call the dispatcher and it was supposed to be an easy change on the release, and continue with the day. Of course, there are some dispatchers that felt their fuel planning was just fine and would get into pi$$ing matches with the captains and it would get ugly.