Pattern Altitude
takes some cash to play the turbine game I see.
It really puts it into perspective when you can buy a Cirrus SR22 for what is costs to operate your turbo prop for 200 hours.
I use my plane as my own personal airliner, and as a business asset it has proven to be very valuable. I was doing 150+ segments a year on the airlines and killing myself doing it. My board came to the realization that they either had to let me fly or find another one of me. The plane was far cheaper, and no way I could do my mission with a SR22. For example, I personally won't fly IFR at night in a single anymore. I also fly over the mountains so now you need a turbo and sucking o2 for hours isn't fun. Then you get to deal with icing and my strong experience is more capability is a *really* great thing.
IMHO, the plane I'm in is about the bottom rung for on-demand business travel. The fact that I have a family of seven also makes the conquest a good choice for personal travel.
P.s. Airlines suck.