Anyone going to RedBull Airrace, Indy: Oct 1,2?

I am in Indy and have thought about it. But no firm plans.
We saw the Red Bull Air Races in Detroit and Dallas. Great fun, and worth the cost and effort to attend.

I still wish they raced head to head, but they do a good job of making it exciting.
Same here, thinking of going on Saturday, just not sure yet.
Would have gone but I'm at the Dawn Patrol Rendezvous at the Air Force Museum that weekend.

Went to the one in NJ a few years back. We got pit passes for the qualifying day and went to the races for both days. It was awesome. Highly recommend it.
Hopefully flying there Friday watching races Saturday and hitting aopa party that night. Have to see how it goes but we have seats for Sunday too.
Where are you flying into?
Also, I see hangar viewing tickets are available, what airport will they be staged at?
I've been thinking about it. What is the best airport to fly into? EYE?
MQJ Indy jet has great services. My guess is they will use the speedway.
If they don't race head to head, is it time trials only?
Wouldn't they just land and take off from the speedway?

then It would be worth a "pit" pass to me. If they stage off site, then I'd just go for the normal tickets. It couldn't find this info anywhere on the RedBull web site.
Wouldn't they just land and take off from the speedway?

That's what I understand they will be doing. Well, to be specific, I think that I read that they will be using one of the paved roads inside the track, rather than the race track itself. There is a long road right in the middle of the track from north to south. They have designated that as "Hullman Air Strip" for the race. Here is a track map for the event:
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I've been thinking about it. What is the best airport to fly into? EYE?

EYE would be the closest to the track. IND isn't bad either, but it will be more expensive at Millionair or Signature. If it were me, I would choose EYE.
I believe they are using part of the infield portion of the road course for the runway. I might try to make it up there for the race but not sure if I can.
Thanks PPC for the linky. That explains it!