I fell on it hiking, almost a month ago now. 'Twas stupid on my part. There was a place where a trail coming down Camels Hump turned into a stream for 100 yards or so. I was tired and not thinking straight, should have taken my boots off and waded it but tried hopping from rock to rock instead. One rock didn't have enough room for both of my feet and I slipped and crushed my right hand against a boulder. It's a "boxer's fracture" of the 5th metacarpal.
I had it x-rayed the same day but the first pictures didn't show a fracture. Second series last week did. My orthopod said that does happen sometimes, the fracture is so subtle it doesn't show at first. He recommended a cast instead of a brace but from his description of the cast, it would have made a lot of routine things impossible including writing with my right hand (fall semester starts in a week!) and getting my arm through the sleeve of most of my t-shirts and blouses, and likely the Army uniform profs here have to wear.
Very bad timing... was looking forward to this one for several years.