Anybody following this "oops"

Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

"This is strange -- in America the runway lights are blue..."

"It cannot be!"

"It certainly is..."

Runway lights are not blue, Mine are all white or white on one side and orange on the other depending on how far your are from the end of the runway. Arkansas is still in America I think.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

WOW, was there ANY CRM taking place????
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Not the first time this has happened in recent memory. A couple years ago <carrier with mostly white airplanes> landed a 757 on taxiway Zulu instead of runway 29 in Newark. The tour of the tower that I took a few months back was conducted by the supervisor who was working that day. Apparently incidents like this generate a lot of paperwork, and really **** off the airfield maintenance and engineering guys.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

I read on Red or Purple the pilot declared a medical emergency just prior to landing. not sure what it was all about.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

I read on Red or Purple the pilot declared a medical emergency just prior to landing. not sure what it was all about.
Something with a PAX is what I have read somewhere, but there were no additional details and no comment if that had anything to do with the accidental landing on the taxiway.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

How could it be an incursion? He never crossed the hold short line!


That was my thought. That is one way to prevent a runway incursion, i.e. don't use the runway..

This reminded me of a story a friend told me. He was landing his Stinson at tower controlled airport. He was quite familiar with the airport but was landing into the sun. The tower cleared him for 28L, He confirmed cleared for 28L and advised that visibilty was difficult do to the sun. Just as he was flaring the Tower call back and said "Stinson 569 you are landing on the taxiway" As my friend was only about a foot off the ground and knew the taxiway was a nice wide and long taxiway he elected to just continue to land. He rolled about 200 feet and then suddenly dropped 2 feet as a shadow of a bulldozer appeared his windshield. He slammed on the brakes and managed to stop before colliding with the bulldozer.

Turned out that they were working on the taxiway and had removed about 2 feet of dirt from a section of it, thus the drop. At the end of the section they had removed they had the bulldozer parked. My friend had a nice chat with the tower and mentioned it would have been nice if the tower had bothered to tell him a bit more than you are "landing on the taxiway" something like "you are landing on the taxi way and there is a tractor on it"

Other than the talk with the tower, I don't think there were any other reprocussions, but then this probably happened 30 years ago.

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Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Turned out that they were working on the taxiway and had removed about 2 feet of dirt from a section of it, thus the drop. At the end of the section they had removed they had the bulldozer parked. My friend had a nice chat with the tower and mentioned it would have been nice if the tower had bothered to tell him a bit more than you are "landing on the taxiway" something like "you are landing on the taxi way and there is a tractor on it"

How about "go around"?
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Man I can say that this could have been REALLY bad should a plane have taxied out at that time. *shudder*
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Landing on Taxiway "Alpha" was / is a common event at Lincoln, NE KLNK. So much so they renamed the runway from 17L-35L & 17R-35R to 17-35 & 18-36. That didn't help much so they added "non-standard markings" to Taxiway "A". They took a bucket of yellow paint and poured a squiggly line down the center of the taxi way.....(well that is what it looks like!), but we STILL have commercial & private pilots landing on the taxiway. Now the tower guys watch more closely to make sure they are lined up on the runway, but just a month or two ago someone else did it.
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Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Sandra Bullock's jet missed a runway at Jackson Hole airport a few years back. It didn't land on the taxiway it landed between the two.

Bullock: Near-Miss Congeniality

"We prayed the plane wouldn't explode," Sandra Bullock told Variety, hours after the private jet carrying her to Wyoming's Jackson Hole Airport on Dec. 20 missed the runway while landing. Christmas gifts and personal belongings careened through the cabin as the aircraft plowed into three feet of snow, snapping its left wing and damaging its nose cone. Bullock, boyfriend Bob Schneider and two crew members were not injured.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

I'm pretty sure all the construction they've been doing on 35 and Alpha are to help with that problem. I'm not sure exactly what they're doing though other than being an inconvenience right now :)

Looks like they were done last Saturday. It struck me as more difficult to mistake the taxiway as a runway when I landed on 35. They also put a run-up area short of the approach area for runway 32, I'm sure I annoyed ground all those times I confirmed it was Ok to cross the hold line to get to the old run-up area.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Sandra Bullock's jet missed a runway at Jackson Hole airport a few years back. It didn't land on the taxiway it landed between the two.

Bullock: Near-Miss Congeniality

"We prayed the plane wouldn't explode," Sandra Bullock told Variety, hours after the private jet carrying her to Wyoming's Jackson Hole Airport on Dec. 20 missed the runway while landing. Christmas gifts and personal belongings careened through the cabin as the aircraft plowed into three feet of snow, snapping its left wing and damaging its nose cone. Bullock, boyfriend Bob Schneider and two crew members were not injured.

One of Sporty's videos with Dick Collins (Winter Ops?) covers an incident that might be this one; in it, the jet (at Jackson Hole) could only see one row of runway lights, because the other was buried in snow drifts. They took a 50/50 chance on which side of the lights was the runway, and guessed wrong.

Bad move.

EDIT: might not be the same incident; here's the one that involved Bullock's plane:
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Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

At my private strip we only have lights on the left side, if you are landing from the north. If I forget which side the lights are on I will land in the trees and houses along side the runway. I alway do a mental double check but we do have lights across each end of the runway to help.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

One of Sporty's videos with Dick Collins (Winter Ops?) covers an incident that might be this one; in it, the jet (at Jackson Hole) could only see one row of runway lights, because the other was buried in snow drifts. They took a 50/50 chance on which side of the lights was the runway, and guessed wrong.

Bad move.

EDIT: might not be the same incident; here's the one that involved Bullock's plane:

I was out plowing snow just outside of the airport fenceline and watched it happen.. and the real story is...............

Stay tuned.. I need to ask someone if I can fill in the details.
Re: Anybody following this? Oops!

Landing on Taxiway "Alpha" was / is a common event at Lincoln, NE KLNK. So much so they renamed the runway from 17L-35L & 17R-35R to 17-35 & 18-36.

Or perhaps from 17L-35R & 17R-35L to 17-35 & 18-36.