Any Key ADs I should look for on an 85 Piper Archer Pre-Buy?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Oct 31, 2016
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Tomorrow is the Pre-buy that I hope goes smoothly. The A/C has 2500TT and 550hrs on overhaul. Airplane looks good and has clean continuous logs with just personal ownership (No flight schools). The Magneto 500hr has just been completed.

Thank you for your guidance :-)
See if/when SB 1006 complied with.
I did not discuss SB 1006 with the owner yet. Is there an AD for this as well?
The owner is an IA and he told me he checked everywhere for corrosion and said that there is no corrosion. The airplane has been hangered and is very clean. I noticed the tail cone has zinc chromate (Green) coating on the lower skins inside the tail cone. Is zync chromate a standard or was this an option? Just curious because the broker thought it was an option.
Don't have it handy, but does the wing rib cracking ad apply to that one? It was a certain serial number group and is a bad one if you have to do it.
