Any Hamsters to feed?

Skip Miller

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Feb 22, 2005
New York City
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Display name:
Skip Miller
Chuck, it seems to me that the response time on this board is growing longer and longer... particularly when doing a search. I assumed that the reason may be related to the server being busy doing other tasks, but this morning at "oh-dark-thirty" it is pretty slow.

So feed the Hamster! He must be very hungry by now! ;)

I noticed it too, but only when searching. The rest of the site seems fine though.

I suspect (I am assuming, and speaking of something I do not know about) that the reason for the slow search may have something to do with this:
Posts: 117,996

That's a lot of stuff to sift through.
Well, I've noticed slow response time to time... but I can't tell right now as I'm at the end of a lousy wireless connection that seems to have a bunch of packet loss.
Well, I've noticed slow response time to time... but I can't tell right now as I'm at the end of a lousy wireless connection that seems to have a bunch of packet loss.
wsuffa said:
Well, I've noticed slow response time to time... but I can't tell right now as I'm at the end of a lousy wireless connection that seems to have a bunch of packet loss.
Go Daddy must have bandwidth or CPU issues on the oversold shared hosting sites. They notoriously threw off the MacCast with no notice whatsoever, and he didn't use that host for the media files, just the blog and forums.

Bob Parsons, GoDaddy's CEO apologized personally - only because the guy has tens of thousands of subscribers and they did this as they are supposedly courting podcasters. The podcasters were all up in arms.

Other shared hosting customers who had the plug pulled with no notice were not treated as well.
mikea said:
Go Daddy must have bandwidth or CPU issues on the oversold shared hosting sites.

You get what you pay for. If you want to your web server to always have adequate power the only way would be to run your own web server. This is the choice I've always made.

Afterall. It's just money.
WooHoo! She's flying now! Searches are very fast.

What did you do, Chuck? and Thanks! :cheerswine:
