This isn't to sell you on the AHRS, rather just the places I've found it to be interesting:
It's fascinating how accurate it is, especially when taking off and landing.
In no way is it SynVisn worthy of a instrument approach
But it does get the attention of passengers. Even more fun with traffic ahead.
In the 182, the panel is pretty tall so kids (my daughter) like to use it to fly since our tablet is mounted in the center of the panel and easier to see than the pilot side instruments. And kids seem to really dig it, partly because it's a tablet and partly because it's a modern looking flight display.
Sometimes I screen record and then watch it later to see what the landing approach was like. This is the one place where the iPad beats the Android, it renders the scene faster. Except I hate the iPad screen recorders, no nice options like the Android.
Kinda fun to get a poor man's first experience of what a glass SynViz might be like.
Interesting comparing it to the AI during steep turns. I think I can hit my wake easier with this display available.
Running a 8in tablet I don't like to split the moving map and SynViz so the SynViz (AHRS) is only used periodically, with passengers, etc.
If someone thought it would save them coming down thru low clouds to find a runway at the last minute they would be dangerously wrong...the update rate is not live video like and I've noticed the most complicated rendering seems to be near landing where it stutters a bit. Definitely not the time for a 2 second screen update.
Bottom's fun, interesting and kind of useful. But not IR worthy. My wife might use it for some young eagles flights later this summer.