Another 15 Minutes of Attention Loser

Ah..Cambridge. Our little piece of the Bay Area on the East Coast. Home of the Skip Gates vs. policy controversy that caused then President Obama to have a "beer summit" in the beginning days of his presidency-

Cambridge is my hometown- although I grew up in the poorer less politically active part of town.

Most of Cambridge is full of two types- 1) The privileged folk who are from old money and

2) Twenty somethings- largely white that grew up in expensive suburbs. They got a good education at Harvard with Mom and Dad's money and have a good job.

Neither of which have any understanding of how the other half lives and believe that they can speak out on things like racism and the wage gap even though they have no exposure to the types of people they pretend to "protect." People try to trip over each other to make statements on a range of topics which they really have no more knowledge about than anybody else.

The third type of people is the minority blue collar family is what I'm from. You wouldn't believe that this type exists with the news coming out of the town but I assure you there is I'm living proof.

There is a reason that being so "Cambridge" is a term thrown around the Boston area with some regularity.

All that being said it is a kind of fun place to be around for a little while, as long as you take what people say here with a grain of salt.