Annoying shower guy - followup

In school one of my classmates got divorced halfway through the final year for lack of support (when he could no longer make the lease payments on her NEW Mercedes - every year she traded for a new one - so she dumped him...
Anyway, he never breathed a word to anyone and was living in his van for about 3 months... When word of this finally got out, one of the guys had had a foldaway bed in his apartment and let him crash there until graduation...

He was doing the same routine, showering in the gym at 6AM, school all day, studying in the commons until they closed the building for the night when he would go out to his truck and sleep in the back...

Because apparently they need to be very, very dry. Even underneath.

That is NOT why they invented hand dryers for Gods sake.

- - but the "alternate" use, and the unit being up on the wall, might be a bit difficult for Little People. (I know nothing.)

You mean like this guy?

I just collapsed when I saw that photo. Years ago, when I was performing in Gilbert & Sullivan operettas, we were performing "H. M. S. Pinafore" which, of course, involves a cast of British sailors. One of the scenes had the sailors lined up across the stage, upstage and backs to the audience, while we were looking out over the side of the ship.

It was customary that during the final dress rehearsal the show would be photographed; and so it was on that night. The director would get to see the results the next day. Well, prior to opening night the director gave the notice that during the referenced scene, "the sailors will stand with their hands clasped behind their backs." ?????????, we thought until she brought out an 11 x 14 print. Then we all collapsed.

Picture a bunch of British Navy guys blocked as described in my first paragraph; oh, and with hands clasped in front of them(hidden to the audience). It surely appeared as though every one of us was "taking a leak" over the side of the Pinafore. The blocking was changed; but when we saw the show's 35mm slide presentation at the cast party we all had another howl at the view.

Picture a bunch of British Navy guys blocked as described in my first paragraph; oh, and with hands clasped in front of them(hidden to the audience). It surely appeared as though every one of us was "taking a leak" over the side of the Pinafore.
Just so long as you're facing leeward.
That's funny, too!


As a follow-up story re that production, it was the last run that I worked for the director who, shortly after, died from a lingering illness. In Gilbert & Sullivan, gestures are important to the blocking. I was having a problem structuring the required gestures at the proper time. Post rehearsal, director's reviews: "Time's running out, Jer." "Don't worry; when it's time, they'll be there."
Hell Week came(tech. week) and there were two dress rehearsals on the same day. The director always sat dead center in the theater -- best audio position. The 1st DR I screwed it. AFTER: "Time's up, Jer." Nothing else was said. 2nd DR: Knowing where she was, when the time came my gesture was a two-handed "OK" sign, directly to her position. It was the end of Act One. When cast came downstairs to the Green Room, all were howling and saying, "Love it; leave it in - leave it in." The next night was opening night.

My make-up position was right next to Rafe Rackstraw, his make-up being done by madame director. Fearful, I didn't utter a word, nor did she. Historically, she always gave flowers to her leads(which I was not). Came the end of Act One, I repeated the my gesture and, from that moment, feared retribution which could come. As was her custom, she was not seen during Intermission -- it was the stage manager's show at that point. After curtain calls I went to remove my make-up. The flowers were at the leads' stations. At my station was a note: "Thanks, Jer; you brought the ship in under full sail." (Often, it's not the spoken words that count, but the silent written thoughts that burnish a memory to last)

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When we night over at a camp ground you'll see me headed to the camp ground showers, even tho we have one aboard, why? because we only have a 10 gallon water heater. I like a long hot shower.:)