Anarchist's Cookbook


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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Okay, who's read it...? Extra points if you downloaded it from a BBS. :)
Extra points, right here! Back in early middle school, I used to frequent a pirate software board called Spam. Racked up crazy phone bills downloading illegal software for my parents' Mac IIcx.

And yes, I downloaded the cookbook too. :)
Wow, I had forgotten about it but... I definitely read it in my youth. I'll take the extra BBS points, too. I'm guessing... 1985ish?... on a 1200baud modem. Not long after that, Dad got a new computer with a 2400 and I (somehow) talked him into spending $250 to upgrade his BRAND NEW computer with a 9600baud modem. By that point, we had a Prodigy account and BBSs were relegated to keeping in touch with people I'd met on them and trading stupid ASCII art and like 3 second videos.
Be careful! Anyone posting on this thread will shortly be listed on an NSA watch list, which will promptly land you on the no-fly list. That's right, say goodbye to your license! I'm sure glad I didn't.... Oh wait! Noooooooooooo!!!!

I sent in $4.95 to an add in the back of a magazine and got it in print.

What a great book.!!! I am sure there are some really dumb people who got this book and did some great harm with it....... to themselves.

I sent in $4.95 to an add in the back of a magazine and got it in print.

What a great book.!!! I am sure there are some really dumb people who got this book and did some great harm with it....... to themselves.

Wasn't it banned all over?

That'd be cool to have a original in print!
Incidentally, I owe some of my professional career to a BBS. I used to log into my Dad's CompuServe account (still remember his login ID: 76044,1046). It was on a CompuServe message board that I met a UPS DC-8 Captain that became somewhat of a mentor to me. He's watched me go through all phases of my training, piloting career, and is still a friend on FaceBook. CompuServe was damned near 30 years ago. Heh!
I'm guessing... 1985ish?... on a 1200baud modem.

I actually had a 300 baud modem. I could type faster than the data. You could watch the text scroll across your screen as it came in.

I could hold the phone up, set the modem to "answer", and play back stuff I had typed earlier over the modem and recorded with a hand held tape recorder.

Then you'd see the stuff you typed on your screen. Yes I was and still am a nerd.

I'd get BBS phone numbers off the back of Compuserve.

...and yes, didn't everybody have a copy of that back in the day? I thought it was required reading. :)

Now it's on some floppy disk somewhere for an Apple IIc (or E).
Haha wasn't expecting that much of a response so fast. I think we've nailed what the "modern online aviation forum user" profile looks like! Haha
Let's see: Browning Hi Power: $108.50
S&W Model 39: $100.00
Colt Combat Commander: $115.00

If only....

(wait, I own all three)
Wasn't it banned all over?

That'd be cool to have a original in print!

Not sure if it is banned all over, but if I remember, the original author doesn't own the copyright, and has been trying to get it removed from circulation for years.

I am pretty sure my copy is a copy of a reprinting. I have not seen it in at least 28 years, it was probably packed away in 1988 when my mom boxed up a lot of books from my youth and put it in storage.
I probably have digital versions of about everything in there. Anytime someone tells me I shouldn't have a piece of information I immediately want it.
Paladin Press... there, I was trying to remember it and Art did. I haven't seen my copy in years, just like my GI Joe and his Mercury space capsule. Oh, and that sweet Teletype 43 I used to dial into Compuserve... a few years after getting the bug playing Adventure on a 300 baud Lear Siegler ADM-3A, connected to a PDP-11/70 at Ft. Sill. Had to hack the site manager's password to play it after 7 AM.

Turner diaries is where it's at

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
I also own an original printed paperback book version. Got it, if I recall, special order from the local bookstore while in middle school.

I read it many times but never attempted any recipes.

Had kind of mixed feelings when the author recanted all of it years ago - and said he made up most of it. Feels like an important minor historical item.
God yes. Got it online as individual txt documents lo those many years ago. Was probably early high school for me? Maybe late middle school.

And yeah, I'm pretty sure a lot of the things in there would have resulted in me losing a limb or two.

I remember reading about the fancy stuff you could do with payphones and blue boxing... but that was definitely before my time. Though that part may have been an addendum.
Meh you could get much better info at any Federal Depository Library...


My workplace would be a lot more entertaining if they'd hand out copies. :)

When I would get bored, like on CQ duty, I would read these trade journals. I never really figured out exactly who the target audience was, but the senior officers would get them. You would see ads from companies like Cadillac Gage (they make things like tank gun stabilizers), FMC (makers of Bradleys and armored personnel carriers), and various foreign and domestic weapons manufacturers, as if these guys actually had a say in equipment procurement. Maybe it was aimed at foreign governments and everybody gets them, I don't know. They were like Cosmopolitan and GQ magazines but page after page of military hardware ads and brochures. Fascinating stuff though. It was stuff like that which made me want to pursue an ME degree when I got out.
When I would get bored, like on CQ duty, I would read these trade journals. I never really figured out exactly who the target audience was, but the senior officers would get them. You would see ads from companies like Cadillac Gage (they make things like tank gun stabilizers), FMC (makers of Bradleys and armored personnel carriers), and various foreign and domestic weapons manufacturers, as if these guys actually had a say in equipment procurement. Maybe it was aimed at foreign governments and everybody gets them, I don't know. They were like Cosmopolitan and GQ magazines but page after page of military hardware ads and brochures. Fascinating stuff though. It was stuff like that which made me want to pursue an ME degree when I got out.

Heh. We have those at airports too. Controller seems popular. ;)

Probably designed to get the low level grunts dissatisfied with whatever they flew in on or targeted bad guys with on the range, so they'll beg the boss to buy a new shiny. ;)

Whether it works or not, is debatable. :)

The IT trade rags have been promising software that works right for decades now. "If only you'll buy this tool or switch to this new shiny language..."

It's good to have dreams. LOL.
Got it with my 1200 baud modem... We thought we were being so bad. Never did smoke the dried bananas though. There was some stuff in there that was pretty fake.
Heh. We have those at airports too. Controller seems popular. ;)

Probably designed to get the low level grunts dissatisfied with whatever they flew in on or targeted bad guys with on the range, so they'll beg the boss to buy a new shiny. ;)

Whether it works or not, is debatable. :)

The IT trade rags have been promising software that works right for decades now. "If only you'll buy this tool or switch to this new shiny language..."

It's good to have job options. LOL.

FTFY. ;)