Amelia Earhart’s Long-Lost Plane Found?


Cleared for Takeoff
PoA Supporter
Apr 26, 2015
DuPage County IL
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Hopefully Amelia and Fred can finally rest in peace and the families can have some closure.
“On 2 July 1937, Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan took off from Papua New Guinea, nearing the end of their record-setting journey around the world never to be seen again. Until today.”

“Deep Sea Vision found what appears to be Earhart’s Lockheed 10-E Electra.

That message was posted on Instagram by the South Carolina-based underwater exploration company on 27 January alongside a series of yellow sonar photographs of a distinctly plane-shaped object lying 16,000 feet below the waves on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

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The 10 E had twin vertical fins. That sonar picture, but depending on angle taken, appears to be a single center vertical with very swept wings.
Nope, don’t think that’s it.
Guesses as to location?

I previously said:
My money is on the plane being on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, somewhere between 5 and 50 miles W/NW of Howland Island, depending on current speed.

this doesn’t seem reasonable, 5 miles with weak radio signals? lol me. 50-100 is better, NW.
"You say that so much it's lost all meaning"
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How long does a light aluminum structure last while soaking for 85 years in salt water?
At extreme depth there is very little oxygen to corrode and oxidize structure. So I'd imagine it would last very well.
True, but unlike ferrous metals, aluminum in salt water does not corrode because of oxygen. In fact, anodizing aluminum is process by which the naturally occurring aluminum oxide layer is thickened as protection for the underlying aluminum.

In salt water aluminum corrodes through and electrical process called galvanic corrosion. At a 16k depth the water is almost at freezing temperature and that slows galvanic corrosion. Would it slow enough to still be as intact as the sonar scan shows? I don't know.

In cold fresh water, aircraft last much, much longer. I wrote a book about one. :)
I really wonder how anyone would jump to the conclusion that this even might be her aircraft. It's not like there probably aren't thousands fo aircraft sitting on the bottom of that ocean.... WW2 + I really wonder how many other misc aircraft have gone missing through the years....
and beyond all of that, just because it's roughly the shape of an Electra aircraft.... yeah I can see it..... but I see stuff when looking at Rorschach inkblots too.
Certainly there must be more evidence or logic built into this "discovery" that the journalists aren't saying
here's my take on this whole shebang:

I haven't told many people this but my retirement plan is to discover a sunken shipwreck and cash in on the treasure. it's a pretty solid plan, obviously, but there are a few gotchas. the main one, besides those pesky pirates, is called the "law of finds", where you can't claim a shipwreck if the original owners are still looking for it. if they stopped looking for it and you find it, it's yours (well, not always, there are other laws but nevertheless...). now I know tighar and these other groups aren't the original owners, but I think what they're doing (besides getting suckers to donate money so they can have fun with their dive toys) is constantly claiming that they are looking for shipwrecks, or planewrecks, so that when someone else finds it they can claim they were already looking for it and are therefore owed the find, or a percentage of it.
"Ye'll not get me treasure, ye cow-hearted, festerin' sea bass! ... Strike yer colors and blow me down!", said a pirate, maybe.
here's my take on this whole shebang:

I haven't told many people this but my retirement plan is to discover a sunken shipwreck and cash in on the treasure. it's a pretty solid plan, obviously, but there are a few gotchas. the main one, besides those pesky pirates, is called the "law of finds", where you can't claim a shipwreck if the original owners are still looking for it. if they stopped looking for it and you find it, it's yours (well, not always, there are other laws but nevertheless...). now I know tighar and these other groups aren't the original owners, but I think what they're doing (besides getting suckers to donate money so they can have fun with their dive toys) is constantly claiming that they are looking for shipwrecks, or planewrecks, so that when someone else finds it they can claim they were already looking for it and are therefore owed the find, or a percentage of it.
"Ye'll not get me treasure, ye cow-hearted, festerin' sea bass! ... Strike yer colors and blow me down!", said a pirate, maybe.
Until you find the treasure, winning the lottery is a good fall back.
I see stuff when looking at Rorschach inkblots too.
Certainly there must be more evidence or logic built into this "discovery" that the journalists aren't saying
Nope. One grainy picture deciphered by someone who Aced the Rorschach, taken months prior without time to go back and look is all they've got.
When are they going to start offering tours? I am sure it is 100000% safe.

Pictures of Bigfoot and Amelia's airplane are always fuzzy for some reason.
Has to be Amelia's aircraft. It's not like there was some kind of war around there where a whole lotta airplanes got shot down or something.

That sonar image reminds me of the mountain in Antarctica that some swear is an alien pyramid. We all see what we want to see.
Screenshot from 2024-01-30 21-24-24.png
It's not TIGHAR publishing. If this pans out, it's then end of TIGHAR's huckstering fundraising.

Gillespie may have gone on the last of his paid South Pacific vacations!
The months before looking at the results seems pretty unlikely. I bet they’ve already launched or finished the second sub by

Iow they are following a schedule lawyers, marketing, submersible team, etc put together months or years ago
That sonar image reminds me of the mountain in Antarctica that some swear is an alien pyramid. We all see what we want to see.
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It seems to be a common assumption that if something doesn't look natural, it must have been created by aliens. I'm reminded of crop circles, which someone eventually confessed to making. A big hole in the reasoning that "If something must have been created by intelligent beings, it must have been space aliens" is that there are billions of (allegedly) intelligent beings right here on Earth, who wouldn't have to invent faster-than-light travel and spend enormous resources to get to the site of the unexplained phenomenon.
"If something must have been created by intelligent beings, it must have been space aliens"
Makes a lot of sense that Space Aliens would cross millions of light years of space so that they can dry pile a bunch of rocks up into a pyramid, or line them up to make pictures in a desert. I mean, just because they have space travel doesn't mean that they have technologies like making concrete, plastic, or steel.
Makes a lot of sense that Space Aliens would cross millions of light years of space so that they can dry pile a bunch of rocks up into a pyramid, or line them up to make pictures in a desert. I mean, just because they have space travel doesn't mean that they have technologies like making concrete, plastic, or steel.

“Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven’t made interstellar contact yet and buzz them.” “Buzz them?” Arthur began to feel that Ford was enjoying making life difficult for him. “Yeah,” said Ford, “they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one’s ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises.”​

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

In addition these teenage space aliens come to earth and take our ball point pens, hand-held remotes, eyeglasses, keys, and left... But only left... Socks.​


“Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven’t made interstellar contact yet and buzz them.” “Buzz them?” Arthur began to feel that Ford was enjoying making life difficult for him. “Yeah,” said Ford, “they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one’s ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises.”​

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

In addition these teenage space aliens come to earth and take our ball point pens, hand-held remotes, eyeglasses, keys, and left... But only left... Socks.​

.....and 10mm sockets
Oh, they are just rolling around in the tail-cone with the push-rods and cables...