Amazing Precision Flight Video


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
Amazing Precision flight video! Its interesting to see how a highly skilled team of pilots work together. I couldn't beleive how close to the ground they flew. One pilot even recovers from a bird strike that you can see on the video. They even do a mock combat segement that is pretty bone chilling.
I'm glad you posted that! I got that in an email, but it wasn't a youtube video and I didn't know how to post it! :D

I'm gonna stick it up on the purple board, if you don't mind a bit o' stealing! :)
I didn't see any African swallows in the OP.
Well that is good as we are speaking of sparrows.

But it is quite obvious from this scientifically conducted experiment that a bird on a treadmill cannot take off

Maybe if it had a low wing and could better utilize ground effect...but alas
But it is quite obvious from this scientifically conducted experiment that a bird on a treadmill cannot take off

Maybe if it had a low wing and could better utilize ground effect...but alas

There we have it -- conclusive proof! (It's on video, right?)

A Cockatiel cannot fly due to its high wings.